How to know God Exists


New Member
Many people think that Christians believe in God on blind faith alone. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I would argue that to believe in God is more rational than to believe He doesn't exists.

You wonder how I can back this up? I've written an article proving God's existence, please take a read - the link is below in my signature.

What do you think of the article? (Please read it before responding)
I think I like to do my own studying, not follow blindly.

It doesn't look good when your first post is to links.
I believe by faith.
That's it.
I go by the old KJV.

I believe because, I don't want to believe there 'nothing' when I die.
I believe things have happened in my life that science, and circumstance
can't explain. I call it Gods will.

the end.

Now you you want to talk about right and wrong....
That's the Real world forum at the bottom.
I have all the proof I'll ever need to support my beliefs. and no real burning need to discuss it with anyone.
I agree, no one should follow something blindly. That's why I wrote down in that article some of the reasons why I believe God exists.

Nice to meet you mate. :)

if Anyone clicks one of those links, they are following blindly.

z, you don't lead people by not being diligent.
Be diligent here, before trying to point elsewhere.
I don't mean to be mean.
I feel it my duty to point out when a person is trying to lead people to a
particular religion, that it be done in such away in which it doesn't
'turn-off' the perspective audience.

It makes the rest of us Christians have it hard to do, and then the whole thing
doesn't work.
:lol: IMO, your links and your demeanor are more likely to discourage than encourage belief, zon3d. I drew my own conclusions forty years ago and have seen nothing in all that time to make me change my mind.
I have my own beliefs, or lack thereof.

I WILL mock your religious beliefs if you shove them in my face.

I will not force my non-belief on you if you don't try to force yours on me.
+2 - This is iEvangelism - no better than knocking on my door on a Sunday morning and asking if I've been 'saved'.
