how to make punch?

fi said:
1 bottle red wine
1 bottle peach schnapps
Half bottle vodka
1 litre cranberry juice
1 litre orange juice
Pineapple pieces or any fruit you like, chopped

Steep the fruit in the alcohol overnight then throw in the juice the next day, mix, chill and serve.

Guaranteed to knock your socks off while tasting like delightfully non-alcoholic fruitfulness.

This is my speciality. Go forth and drunkify. ;)

it's been sitting there doing nothing for about 24 hours... the fruit's all gone red... i guess this is a Good Thing...

the party starts in half an hour.

rock on!

happy new year everyone :)
I was at that party. I didn't have any of the punch but the people who did... OH... MY... GOD :eek:

How drunk can you get on so little drink?!

Funny to say the least. Although I didn't really enjoy it. :(

My brother was there and someone came up to me and said "are you related to that ginger guy?" I said "yeah, why?" "Oh, he's being a real dick; slobbering all over people etc etc..."

Oh shit.

So I went upstairs to him and said "how much have you had to drink?!"

[slur]"w-w-wh-wha... erm... bottle o' Lambrusshhhh..."[/slur]

He'd downed a bottle of Lambrusco. Not Good, so I tried taking him outside to get him some air and to spew outside if he needed. He wasn't having any of it, and just shouted "I fuckin hate you Jon" before storming downstairs and going outside, nearly breaking Nick's front door.

So I saw red and promptly went after him, dropping him like a sack of shit. I'd no idea what came over me, but I was foaming at the mouth "Don't you fucking embarrass me in front of my friends!" (Ahh, the irony...)

We got separated and sat down on a wall about 50m apart - one friend (Nick (not CS)) was with Oliver while Dan and Chris were trying to stop me shaking. Then I looked round and saw Olly lighting up a fag, even though he doesn't smoke. I completely flipped and stormed towards him like a tank shouting"THAT'S FUCKING IT". It took 3 people to get me off him :eek:

Anyway I went and sat down again after about 2 minutes, then he came over to me blubbering his eyes out... [bawl]"I'm sorry Jon"[/bawl]

AND I wasn't even drunk! I wasn't enjoying it so I hardly had anything. I'm such a nasty bastard... :D
1 liter of :
3 different flavors of schnappes (any flavors)
beer and zarex to taste
fi said:
Oh, and drink 3 pints of water before you go to bed. ;)

A warning on water consumption

2 pints is a safer bet.

If you're using plain water, don't drink it too fast. Ordinary water can dilute your body's concentration of electrolytes, causing confusion, nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, and weakness and sometimes vomiting, muscle twitching, delirium, seizures, and coma. An average adult should drink no more than 1-1/2 quarts (44 fl oz, or about five glasses) of plain water per hour or 12 quarts in 24 hours. If you're rehydrating at anywhere near this rate, it's safer to use sport drinks such as Gatorade and POWERade, which contain electrolytes.
Aunty Em said:
If you're using plain water, don't drink it too fast. Ordinary water can dilute your body's concentration of electrolytes, causing confusion, nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, and weakness and sometimes vomiting, muscle twitching, delirium, seizures, and coma. An average adult should drink no more than 1-1/2 quarts (44 fl oz, or about five glasses) of plain water per hour or 12 quarts in 24 hours.

Use plain alcohol instead :D
Luis G said:
Aunty Em said:
If you're using plain water, don't drink it too fast. Ordinary water can dilute your body's concentration of electrolytes, causing confusion, nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, and weakness and sometimes vomiting, muscle twitching, delirium, seizures, and coma. An average adult should drink no more than 1-1/2 quarts (44 fl oz, or about five glasses) of plain water per hour or 12 quarts in 24 hours.

Use plain alcohol instead :D

The idea is to re-hydrate to prevent the hangover not cause an even bigger one! :lol::rolleyes:
howzabout chugging gatorade or some kind of electrolyte sport drink? .. keep it all in balance as it were so you can down the water asap.