How to say I Love You...

Luis G said:
It's still better than masita te bajo la regla a lengüetazos :sick:

Bend over so I can put this jagged broken glass bottle up your bum?
Funny...when I type it into a translator I get this:
pastry you under the rule to lengüetazos
The last must be a naughty word...or it doesn't translate.
something that perhaps could be catalogued as refined, who knows, perhaps some girl would actually like it :lol:

benditas sean las llaves que apretaron las tuercas del camion en que llevó la pila donde te bautizaron

bless the wrench that tightened the screws of the truck that carried the font where you were baptized

blessed they are the keys that tightened the nuts of the truck in which it took the battery where they baptized to you