MrBishop said:
....declares a war or crusade against all those of the Muslim THAT would be a Jihad.
GWB has already done that with his "war on terrorism" has he not?...but it doesn't take explicit declarations of war to initiate such a thing. ALthough bombing the hell out of places helps

... These days its more implicit - through manipulation and disinformation...which people agree and hold as the truth.
"Jihad" (ǧihād جهاد) is an Arabic word which comes from the Arabic root word "jahada"; which means "exerting utmost effort" or "to strive."
I don't know much about Cathlolicism, but I know that It doesn't take the catholic faith to declare where the Jihad is an Islamic term and understanding that I don't think anyone can really fathom. ALthough translated as "Holy War" in english its not as clear cut and simple as that.
In general; Jihad is a very broad word with many meanings that describes both an outward and inward struggle - and is intricately tied with the realisation of Islam.
It can be both
non-violent and
violent; though the violent meaning is the one that is more often subscribed to by those wishing to such as fundamentalists.
In fact, the traditional teaching of islam is
nonviolence and that understanding is the founding of Jihad yet it has developed in two different ways - today the violent one holding full force but the non-violent, inner - spiritual understanding the underlying basis completely as akin to "the struggle of personal self-improvement against the self's base desires", in order to become as close to God and true as possible to their religious values.
Traditionally it has been up to the highest religious authority to declare Jihad but since, fundamentalist groups feel it is their duty to take the cause on actively themselves.
There is also two cases in which Jihad can be undertaken:
defensive and
Defensive is in retaliation whilst Offensive is the actual invasion of hostile nations.
Most Muslims consider armed struggle against foreign occupation or oppression by domestic government to be worthy of defensive jihad. Indeed, the Qur'an appears to require military defense of the besieged Islamic community.
...two of the last verses [of the [Quran] revealed on this topic (9:5, 29) suggest, to classical scholars such as Ibn Kathir, an ongoing war of conquest against unbeliever enemies
To understand Jihad you must understand that it is intertwined with the very basis of the faith of Islam.
To say that Islamic people shouldn't believe in Jihad is like to say to a christian that it is wrong to rever Jesus for dying on the cross - ridiculous. The belief is inseperable - but the violent element of Jihad is only neccesary where it is felt as being under threat.
To most Islamic people, the enforcement of the western ideals of democracy and freedom on their established way of life is akin to the deliberate destruction of the islamic faith - no different from the crusades - they don't seperate the political from their theological belief, and thats why they see the need to fight. Their belief requires them to defend their faith, unfortunately at whatever cost - and since the offensive against the middle-east is more explosive than ever - the more and more appealing and appropriate and neccesary the defensive appeal of the violent understanding of Jihad as propelled by fundamentalists seems to be for those upset by relations of westerners towards the middle east, and the more people affected by such things as the war in Iraq don't need much convincing to stand for what they not only believe in defending, but what they live and breathe for.
source - excellent article "JIHAD"