how was easter weekend?


Well-Known Member
friday was anime club then laser tag which was great. sat work :eh: :blank: sunday went to church with a co-worker to see what its like now im at a friends house. how was your weekend? whatd you guys do?
mine was all about the kiddies of course...Saturday was an easter egg hunt downtown, then today the big egg hunt here...masses of eggs hidden everywhere, then the finding of the gifts, (I bought myself some Lindor eggs and some really goofy whimsical flipflops with plastic fruit on them :lol:) then the toy building, losing, easter dinner. Tomorrow another easter dinner with friends.

What did you think of church, freako?
Leslie said:
What did you think of church, freako?

i went as a promise to Jennie(shes a co-worker who acts like a second mother to me so i went more for her it was allright but i didnt get too much out of it but it was nice to go with her and her hubby and everone there was really cool.
lol You didn't freak me out... I'm only awake right now because I'm on call for work and the four servers that host the main program that everyone uses are down right now. Went down at 10 (*right* after I got into bed) and I have people at the computer center working on it. I'm just staying up till the change of shift cus I know people aren't going to read their emails before trying to log in. I don't want to go back to the bedroom just to have the phone ring and wake Rusty up.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that we had a birthday party/easter egg hunt on Saturday with the whole damn family. It was pretty cool-any time I get to spend with all my nieces and nephews is cool. :)

You know what, though? Besides birthday cake, I had no chocolate this weekend. I think I'm gonna have to buy all the on sale chocolate tomorrow. :D
I didn't see the Easter Bunny, if that's what you mean. 14 years I've been waiting for him, he still hasn't shown his little fluffy tail around here.
Worst. Easter. Ever.

Friday morning: Algebra
Friday afternoon: Algebra
Friday night: Algebra

Saturday morning: Physics
Saturday afternoon: Algebra
Saturday night: Algebra

Sunday morning: nothing
Sunday afternoon: Algebra
Sunday evening: ... you guessed it... Algebra.

Lovely way to start Easter Monday with two finals. From 9-12 and 2-5. :retard4:
went to a birthday on saturday, worked on sunday...not very interesting and i'm doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the sun :D
Friday off
Worked Saturday
Sunday easter egg hunt, then the family went off to church, sans moi.
Monday workies.

All in all, I've had better long weekends.
So have I. It was fun, though to see Ted figure out that some people actually put candy in easter eggs. He got a whole lot more enthusiastic about the whole thing, and blamed me for not telling him up front.