Howard Dean


Well-Known Member

In the latest New Hampshire poll he's up on John Kerry 37% to 17%!!!

No shit where did that come from?

I don't know much about him yet but my gut says i don't trust him. Need to do some homework.
Hell, hex, I don't trust any of them, but I have to vote for someone. Don't know much about Dean, though. I'm paying attention.
Let me see...Rush calls him Nikita. He sealed 100% of his governor records when he left office. I wonder why?

A Scremaing Liberal said:
My economic policies for America are based on four fundamentals:

Repeal the Bush tax cuts, and use those funds to pay for universal health care, homeland security, and investments in job creation that benefit all Americans.

Nothing more needs to be said. He thinks my money (and yours) is better off in the hands of the government.
Hex...How could you even finish reading that post after he mentioned Rush....That idiot swears that clinton was behind watergate...
Squiggy said:
Hex...How could you even finish reading that post after he mentioned Rush....That idiot swears that clinton was behind watergate...

Nah, that would be Tip O'Neil :D
YOu know half the people reading this are trying to figure out who he is/was.
I'm sure you know by now Squig that i do a lot of reading. People that read on a daily basis can decypher spin from reality. Sure Rush is an idiot sometimes but along with the foolishness that comes from his show also comes a lot of truth albeit spun. Without knowing for sure i'd be willing to put money on Gonzos statement. It's not uncommon at all yet it definetely shows he wants to hide something. I can say nothing more though as i said i know little about Dean but i can agree that Gonz & you are both a couple of old farts. :D
I was just bustin on Gonz for worshipping Rush...One of the first things W did was seal his old man's records....They're all liars and cheaters...I know that...But, me? Old? Nah......:D
Don't mean to burst your bubble but I'm not a "ditto-head". He's amusing & a source for interesting stuff but his "republicans are the way, the truth & the light" is a little much.
I'd vote for Dean over Bush in a heart beat. I'd vote for just about anyone over Bush though - one of those "lesser of two evils" things.

HeXp£Øi± said:
EEEEEEEERRRRRRTTTTT!!!!! That's a red light.

Maybe it just means he's forward thinking.
Bush is sealing off a lot of presidential records, is that a red light?

Nothing more needs to be said. He thinks my money (and yours) is better off in the hands of the government.

It means he can do basic math unlike Bush with his ( remove tax + increase spend = :retard2: ).
flavio said:
Bush is sealing off a lot of presidential records, is that a red light?

Sure it is but for the most part we already know why. With dean though it's the uknown and we always tend to fear the unknown more than the known. If he's already hiding shit what's he going to be like when he's in office. Anyway Deans cover-ups are not an argument for Bush but against Dean.