how's the social scene where you live?

yeah yeah yeah, but didja ever...right when you were getting ready to...and then it just...please hold for the next available operator...
At the sound of the tone, please leave your name, number and a breif message. If this is an emergency hang up
not much here in frederick. DC has some cool things like the 9:30 club and Nations and Bound. Balti has some too like the Black Cat and Taboo. there was a goth club i used to like in a town called Wheaton call Phantasmagoria but it closed down. i dont go out much.
All there is to do in Fresno is watch fires. It seems like there's a house or business on fire every night... and the strange part is that if not none, then very few of them have been arson.

There's a big-ass woodpile on fire now that's sent air pollution levels sky-high, so to speak.
Well the social life in Milan isn't too bad, restauraunts are out of this world!!!. Just that compared to my home in Aberdeen Scotland its sooo damn big. Everything is soo far apart. One bar to the next requires a taxi most of the time, or a tube journey. I can walk down one street in Aberdeen and go to about 8 bars!!! Guess its just cause I am used to that it seems strange to have to travel quite far. Also the fact that scots drink quite a lot and italians eat rather than drink means I'm a bit culturally out of place. Social scene back in Aberdeen is not too bad, but I'm finding the night life aspect of it less appealling the older I get, I guess thats just normal too. :rolleyes:
So, besides cabbing around to the bars :D what are you doing in Milan? (if you already posted about it, my apologies, I missed it)
Right now I'm working on the consolidation of data stored in Lotus Notes databases into Oracle for a large italian oil company. So far I have helped design, write and support the software in Notes and the processes for consolidating it too. There are two staff from my company here at all times and our company has an italian branch so we luckily have an apartment provided by the company which is pretty nice. Been doing this job for a little over three years and still have only learned basics of italian. Lazy I know but when the italians that you work with get paid to go and learn english and always want to talk to you in english it sort of negates the need to learn italiano. That and spending most of your time in Aussie and Irish bars at the weekends ;)

Both of the people I work with are now in relationships. One guy who I thought was the most quiet and unlikely to get married is now engaged to an aussie girl over here. Needless to say our company apartment is usually occupied by either 1 or 2 couples and me. So I go out with a group of friends a lot as there is only a certain amount of lovey dovey coupleness you can take when your single ;)
Sounds like a great job! Company provoded apt makes it even better ('cept the lovey-dovey stuff, which can be quite annoying to the non-participants :D )
Do you get back to Scotland very often?
Pretty much a rotation of 3 weeks in Milan, 1 week in Scotland (working) sometimes 2 weeks... repeat. Means I have a bit of a social life here and a bit of one back home. Currently trying to buy a home in Scotland so my job is kinda making that hard too.
Q said:
St. Marks Restaurant is(was) right in downtown ST. Marks

doh. Okay... If it's still there, then I've been by it, just didn't notice it. I don't get down that way a whole lot. We visit the fort occasionally, and I've been down to the Riverside with one of my sisters. Her boyfriend is a commercial fisherman. His house is in Newport. Jan and I also stayed at the Sweet Magnolia a year ago last September.

We lived in a trailer in St. Marks fish camp until hurricane Elana dumped about 4 feet of water in the trailer. That was very bizarre. The water got so high it floated a buncha boats out of the dry dock and when the water went down all the boats were in the trees. Big boats. Tall trees. It was one of the weirest things I ever saw. I would have taken a picture, but the camera wouldn't work...even after I dumped the water out of it.

You sure that was Elena and not Kate? I thought Elena went to the west of us... I dunno. That's been ages ago now. It was around the time when I dropped out of UF. During Elena I was driving around in the Appalachicola Nat'l Forest with a girl friend (not girlfriend, dammit) of mine. When Kate came through I was stuck at my parents' house. I made my friend come and pick me up in the driving rain so we could party at her place. I did NOT want to have to spend a night with no electricity and nothing to do at my parents'. The next day there were trees down all over town. We drove around a little, rubbernecking. It made quite a mess.

Before that we lived in Crawfordville and after that we lived in Tallahassee.

What part of C-ville? That's where I live now. I grew up in Tallahassee on the south side, not far from what used to be Four Points.
Yeah, maybe it was Kate. I always get those two mixed up. They weren't very far apart, I remember that. We did sand bags, put everything up high for the first one and nothing really happened, then the second one moved in so fast we didn't really have time to do anything. National Guard was banging on doors, making people evacuate.

C-ville...hmmm, I remember I could walk to the little store. Pigly Wiggly, I think. They had fried chicken and breaded fried potato wedges. grocery kinda stuff.

In Tallahassee we lived off Apalachee Pkwy. Kinda far from town. I worked at Brown Derby there.
Yeah, they were only about a month or so apart. Elena went a bit to the west and spawned a bunch of tornadoes up around Quincy. I had worked on a building up there called The Printing House. One of the tornadoes hit it and blew out an entire section of block wall. Don't ask me what I thought I was doing driving around out in the forest while that was going on... that all goes back to the social scene in North Florida. :rolleyes:

I was in my dad's truck too. I had a flat tire and had to drag a bunch of scaffolds out of the bed to get to his spare. The wind was blowing something fierce and the pine trees were whipping back and forth. It was not one of my brighter moments.

I think the store you're talking about must be the one on the corner of 319 and Wakulla-Arran. I'm pretty sure it used to be a Piggly Wiggly-- it has that look. It's still there, but it's something else now. I haven't eaten any fried chicken from a gas station in a good long time. :p :)

There's a subdivision out South 27 called Meadows at Woodrun... I think that's the name. There was a Suwanee Swifty by the entrance. Is that where you lived? I finished a lot of drywall in the houses out there.
There's some pretty nice clubs and brew pubs in Oakland. Then there's Berkeley about 15 minutes away from me for all the college bars and pool halls. San Francisco is about 20 minutes away and I can't imagine what you couldn't find to do between the three cities.

When I go out you'll usually fin me playing pool or darts, at a club, or checking out a band.