Hubble gets a last facelift


Well-Known Member
Two spacewalkers outside space shuttle Atlantis have begun repairing and upgrading the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the fifth and final Hubble servicing mission. The first of five spacewalks planned for the mission began at 8:52 A.M. today (Eastern Daylight Time) and was expected to take six and a half hours.

Top on the agenda was removing Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2), a workhorse with more than 15 years of service. Astronauts Drew Feustel and John Grunsfeld replaced WFPC2 with the new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), which will cover a broader range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

A stuck bolt initially hindered WFPC2's removal, and Feustel and Grunsfeld then encountered some resistance in stowing the decommissioned camera in the shuttle's payload bay. But around 12:30 P.M. the old camera was secured and Hubble's controllers were getting signals that WFC3 was connected and properly drawing power.

The astronauts then replaced a critical data handler on Hubble that failed in September and had been running on backup components. Grunsfeld also installed a soft capture mechanism to facilitate the telescope's future de-orbiting. In the coming decades a mission will pluck Hubble from its orbit and guide it safely into the ocean.

The final remaining task, now under way, is to install kits that will permit easier opening and closing of the telescope's access doors in the mission's later spacewalks.

Well...that should give us another 5-10 years of use out of the ol' workhorse scope. I can't wait to see what pics come from it now. :clap:
In other news, the Herschel and Planck observatories also left for orbit today, aboard an Ariane 5. The Herschel boast a mirror one third larger than poor aging Hubble, at a fraction it's weight (and not needing corrective specs either) thanks to new, modern materials like silicon carbide.
I'm glad the Hubble is getting things fixed. I agree, the Hubble is a workhorse. There are those that say to trash it and build something better but really... do we have that kind of cash? No. So why throw out something that only needs a bit of a fix?

Yay! Hubble!