
I was baptizes a Catholic.....I'm still a Catholic, just NOT a practising one...through the years, I grew to not belive in all the catholics do....My 2 sons were Baptized Catholic (there is a theory to this story).

Anyway, When my sister-in-law passed away and it was the very first death I ever had to deal with, I went to my local preist, and explained how I felt, being she was never baptized in any religion, and the catholic believe that you won't go heaven if you were never baptised, "I was VERY UPSET"....for a "Catholic preist to say this it amazed me"...

Me: She was never baptized and what will happen next?
Preist: Where do you believe she is?
Me: I believe she is in heaven, she was only going to be 16 and she never committed a commandement!
Preist: If thats where you believe she is, rest your soul and pray for her...

SO I DID, I felt comfort!
My Nana is like that, She's going a bit senile but always perks up when coming back from Mass. She always seems much happier when she has been to the church and spoken to the priest.

Oddly I feel better knowing that she lights a candle for me at her church in Ireland.
SouthernN'Proud said:
The day I need some half-witted pop-psychology magazine test to tell me what kind of person I am, someone please, in the name of all that is holy and sane in this world, shoot me on the fucking spot.

Its just a small exercise in self assessment and realisation... many paople are actually Humanists without realising it... this way they may actually have a name/label for their beliefs.

Personally.... having a name for a way of life or thought doesn't make it any more valid than any other in my opinion... but for many its a comfort and a necessary one!

And if you can't think of it in that way think of it like this... a little bit of fun! :shrug:
Y'know, I generally find humanism unsatisfying. I get the feeling it's atheism (or at least agnosticism) for people who don't have the courage of their convictions. :shrug:
chcr said:
Y'know, I generally find humanism unsatisfying. I get the feeling it's atheism (or at least agnosticism) for people who don't have the courage of their convictions. :shrug:

Hmmm.. weeeell... it does include that but without the castigation, ribbing and superiority...

Humanisms more... "Have your own beliefs and I'll have mine"

Atheists and Agnostics take no hold with even the modern alegory interpretations of the Bible... Humanists accept them as moral teachings but feel you don't need such teachings to be "moral"
ClaireBear said:
And both agree with animal cruelty... :shrug: Nice!

I can't speak for Winky but I'm pretty sure I do when I say if (fill ijn current deity here) hadn't meant for animals to be eaten, they wouldn't taste like meat. I'm not cruel. I kill on the first shot.
ClaireBear said:
Hmmm.. weeeell... it does include that but without the castigation, ribbing and superiority...

Humanisms more... "Have your own beliefs and I'll have mine"

Atheists and Agnostics take no hold with even the modern alegory interpretations of the Bible... Humanists accept them as moral teachings but feel you don't need such teachings to be "moral"
"It could be but maybe not..." You make my point for me. :shrug:

Oh, and re "cruelty to animals," if a few rhesus monkees have to die horribly to save human lives, well, bye bye Bonzo.
SouthernN'Proud said:
The day I need some half-witted pop-psychology magazine test to tell me what kind of person I am, someone please, in the name of all that is holy and sane in this world, shoot me on the fucking spot.

Yes, yes, we all like to be di'frent. I don't rely on pop-psychology to tell me what I am. I yam what I yam. 'Course, there are obviously some affiliations that I identify with more than others. :shrug: