Humans will be extinct within the next one hundred years

Stop being so Americentric, Gonz. There are a few places where overpopulation is an issue... China's got it's own way of dealing with their issue. The 'one child' rule.

I don't know where you have been but it sounds like a very lovely rock. Perhaps a bit of history would help.

China is considering ending its one child rule after they ended up with a plethora of men and no women due to family lineage concerns by the populace. The girls were aborted. They claim, however, that they are ending it because it has been so successful.

India doesn't have said rule, nor easy access to BC..but they're dealing with it.

India had a program, starting in the 70s, where they would pay 30 rupees to any man who was willing to get a vasectomy or woman willing to have a tubectomy (tubal ligation). There were other incentives as well for men who would get a vasectomy. Some ideas are not as bright as others.

So, we're back to the problem. It's not space that's the's access to safe drinking water and food.

On this we can agree.
Turn them all into capitalist republics & safe drinking water & food will be abundant