

Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Whilst entering our local mega-mart, I saw two horrified older ladies staring at something on the ground. I looked down, and saw this, barely moving. The elderly women in question were afraid of it. I wasn't, so I picked him up very carefully. At this point, one of the ladies suggested I dispose of him in the nearest trash-can. Instead I took him out to a nearby copse of trees, and placed him on a branch at about eye-level, and made sure he was holding on. Hw was, and I left him there. When I re-entered the store, the lady who suggested the trash can thanked me, and went on to mention that, after she'd said that, she thought it rather cruel. After all...if she was sick/injured/whatever, she wouldn't want someone to pick her up and toss her in a dumpster. :retard4: Anyway. I am of the opinion that said bird was a bit intoxicated, rather than actually sick, but it really doesn't matter...
that's cool that you did that! everytime you see a hummingbird from now on, it could be the same one like, "thank you!"

(a joke jay and i make every time we see a crow that appears to be waving at him... he took a crow with an injured wing to animal rescue once)
It could have been starving. Excluding insects, hummingbirds have the fastest metabolism of any animal, and at any given moment, are only hours away from starving to death.
It could have been starving. Excluding insects, hummingbirds have the fastest metabolism of any animal, and at any given moment, are only hours away from starving to death.

The poor bird was about 6 feet from about 40, or so, flowers. It was in the "House and Garden" section. Granted, I don't know how many of those flowers could've provided nectar, but I do believe that what I did was preferential to the garbage can solution. :shrug:
Good work, Gato! Hummingbirds do, indeed, get a "litttle tipsy" now and then. Doesn't take long for sugar water+sunshine to ferment. Set 'em on a branch and let 'em sleep it off- which doesn't take long if you're a speed-freak hummingbird.
Anyone else loving the feel good factor of this thread? :hug:

Didn't know about the drunken tendancies of humming birds JT... learn summit newevery day!