Hurricane Ivan

Yeah it is good to hear from ya Sharky. :cool:
After I heard that very first report of that first tornado in PC,
I just knew it was going to wipe you out. :eek:

I hear ya on the generator thing. Every time I have to use mine, I think
what a good investment it was. :wink2:

LOL, I haven't even picked ut the limbs here that blew off. I can only
imagine the task you face. :swing:
It was a little unnerving.

You, my friend, are a total f*cking nutcase! :D
Good to hear from you, Glad everything is okay.

Oh, and neener, neener cat, I picked mine up over the weekend. At least I didn't need the chainsaw this time around, although the dog kept bringing them back. :lol:
Thanks, BoP and PT! :cool:

Cat, we picked up two hay wagon loads of debris (about six pickup truck loads) - and there is still a corner of the property we haven't gotten to yet. The burn pile is five meters high and ten meters in diameter! :eek6:

A 30kw generator was the best investment I ever made. It ran the whole house (including a/c, a deep freeze and two refrigerators) without breaking a sweat. :swing:

chcr: [Barney Fife]*sniff* I've seen worse . . . [/Barney Fife] :D
Good to see you made it.

Ain't household generators great? My mother has one running off her main propane tank and patched right into the circuit breaker panel. Damn good thing, too. She had to depend on it for 4 days with this storm.
HomeLAN said:
Good to see you made it.

Ain't household generators great? My mother has one running off her main propane tank and patched right into the circuit breaker panel. Damn good thing, too. She had to depend on it for 4 days with this storm.

Once you have one, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it, especially here in hurricane territory and in North Georgia with the ice storms, when the power can be out for days, even weeks.

Thanks, Inky and Mare! :cool:
Oh christ, get a room. All this lovin' just cause some old guy didn't die....damn.
Sharky said:
Once you have one, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it, especially here in hurricane territory and in North Georgia with the ice storms, when the power can be out for days, even weeks.

Thanks, Inky and Mare! :cool:

Ice storms in Georgia??? :rofl2:
Aw shit. Now he's probably going to have to tell her about the snow too.
We don't get much snow. Maybe a couple inches every couple years. Ice storms are a threat, though.

Prof, it doesn't take much ice to be a big PITA. Where you are just specializes in overkill.
Yeah, I really enjoy hauling all my food onto the back deck so it stays cold, and sitting in the dark, huddled around the stove.
And now it looks like Jeanne might loop back and smack the Atlantic coast, anywhere from Maryland to...drumroll...Florida!

And there you sit, moping about it, instead of relishing the adventure. I'd be documenting this for all I was worth. Imagine telling your kids all about the year that the atlantic went wild. Photos, video tape, printouts of the satelite photos and path forcasts.
Professur said:
And there you sit, moping about it, instead of relishing the adventure. I'd be documenting this for all I was worth. Imagine telling your kids all about the year that the atlantic went wild. Photos, video tape, printouts of the satelite photos and path forcasts.

Ahh, it'll all be on the internet. :D
chcr said:
Ahh, it'll all be on the internet. :D

Besides, I'm not moping. I've been far too busy trying to do things like make it to work and keep the inside of the house dry.