husband/wife venting session


New Member
i'm starting this thread as a means for all of us husbands and wives to vent our frustrations and let it air so that it doesn't sit bottled up inside ...

use this thread in any manner as you see fits.
okay, i soooooo think i do more than my husband in the child-rearing department. why is it that i am supposed to instinctively know how to raise my children?

he doesn't bathe them, because he "doesn't know how." i have to call the doctor when they're sick. i have to take them to the ER at night when "he's tired and he has work tomorrow." i usually have to do the morning/nightly brush teeth routine because he forgets.

the list can go on :shrug:
I need : stabhimintheeyewithafork :

when I was in it, I always felt that what you're seeing, Ku'u, is half laziness/habit and half they really really get overwhelmed by the whole thing and just don't. Then there's the man's side, that they don't feel like the woman 'lets' them do it their way, so they just don't try anymore. I can see I did that in some ways...especially in the beginning. As the kidlets get older gets way irritating and imposing for the 'doer'. One that always pissed me off was when we were both working, why was it always ALWAYS my job to make sure that we had a sitter? Why did it never dawn on him even ONCE?
I Kid, I am not I can not relate to the oldies here.

But as for your triflin husband....restrain from I defend my gender when needed but it really works....

barren the bastard and the dishes will wash themselves and all will be happy in the kingdom again.

worse comes to worse you could threaten him or blackmail him....complete and utter emotional breakdown of his ego works great too.
Leslie said:
Then there's the man's side, that they don't feel like the woman 'lets' them do it their way, so they just don't try anymore.

Yeah, I can see that. Sometimes, even though my husband does things the "wrong" way, frustrating both him and the kids, I have to remind myself to let them work it out so that he can find his own way to do things :D
IDLEchild said:
I Kid, I am not I can not relate to the oldies here.

But as for your triflin husband....restrain from I defend my gender when needed but it really works....

barren the bastard and the dishes will wash themselves and all will be happy in the kingdom again.

worse comes to worse you could threaten him or blackmail him....complete and utter emotional breakdown of his ego works great too.
you know what? I know a chick like this, and it's heinous...he's destroyed...but it sure does work. :retard:
you know what else?

I'm sitting here amazed at the rage that the me always calling the babysitter thought brought out. I guess I have bottled up jusssssssst a little bit too much. :eek:
Well, here is a mans perspective on the whole thing. First of all, Les got most of it right. We are told that the way we folded the shirts was the wrong way, the way we folded the socks together was the wrong way. Well, I lived alone, I folded my shirts like that and my socks like that and I always managed to get dressed every day. Cooking, my wife stays out of my way. She knows I'm a better cook and she knows not to question that aspect.

Now, the biggie. Kids. Men are generally harder on the kids and the women are generally more nurturing. When we get told we're being hardasses it scares us. Well, that and you all have breastesses.
Leslie said:
you know what else?

I'm sitting here amazed at the rage that the me always calling the babysitter thought brought out. I guess I have bottled up jusssssssst a little bit too much. :eek:
That's another thing. You wimmens always let that shit bother you WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH!
PuterTutor said:
That's another thing. You wimmens always let that shit bother you WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH!

Pfffttt...macho you would know. You trying squirting a pineapple through your urethra and then having the no good loser leave you with every mundane task to do because "women are more nurturing"

men...I swear sometimes....If you weren't scuh a hot beefcake PT, i'd be inclined to put you on ignore.
1. Why am I in debt for her going back to college to get her bachelor's degree when she had no intention of looking for another, better paying job?

2. Why, when both of us actually know how, am I the only one who has to program a vcr?

3. Why, when she wants to try a new recipe, do I have to eat it too?

It's just possible that she has one or two about me, but I certainly don't know what they could be. :shrug:
tonksy said:
yes...yes we do.

Les said:

Not to say that it's not something to get pissed about, it's just that the majority of women tend to vent on that one thing, whether it be trash, laundry, day care, dishes, whatever. There is just that one thing that just pisses you off. The really funny part is that most of the time, we have no clue that that is what you are pissed about. Would help if you just let us know. Oh, and you probably will have to tell us more than once for it to sink in.
It's probably a good thing you didn't start this thread a year and a half ago. If you thought JJR made long posts, you should see what I would have posted here then.

But on the upside, my divorce is FINALLY FINAL as of last Friday.
The reason my wife does most of the child stuff is that I hold a full-time job outside the home, and she doesn't. That was a choice we both made, together.

As for housework, she does more than I do, but she sure as hell doesn't do it all. Most of the cooking and kitchen belongs to me, I do my part of the laundry, and I choke up for maid service every two weeks for the heavy shit.

My only big issue is the attitude sometimes at "that time of the month", and you just can't avoid that.
Leslie said:
you know what else?

I'm sitting here amazed at the rage that the me always calling the babysitter thought brought out. I guess I have bottled up jusssssssst a little bit too much. :eek:

I hate to be the one to say this, but, seeing how your ex was a louse, did you really want him to pick the baby sitter? ;)
we share the housework but rob actually does more of it than i...guess it's cuz i work or am a lazy slob or something.
i do the laundry. i fold the laundry. i just seem to be unable to put the clothes up.
rob does the dishes mainly, cooking is about an even split.
he takes out the trash and attended to der fuzzbutt's litterbox.
i can not complain.
Gato_Solo said:
I hate to be the one to say this, but, seeing how your ex was a louse, did you really want him to pick the baby sitter? ;)

In hindsight I guess it's good he was a lazy ass...or the kids would be visiting him in prison now :blank: