I´ve been away for a while... sort of

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
I've been away for a while... sort of

Haven't been posting much this week, cause I had the worst hangover of my life. Saturday night was bad.

I've had a fifth of Vodka, Bourbon, Tequila, and many other things before, but never 151. I came up what appeared to be about two drinks from finishing the bottle. Not good.

I vaguely remember falling out of a hot tub (how you can fall out of one, I don't know, but I remember flipping backwards over the side). I also remember the sun comming up while we were in Waffle House.

I slept all day Sunday, and most of Monday (called in sick for work). This afternoon I went jogging, and tonight I finally feel somewhat normal again.

I usually don't talk much about my partying episodes, but let this be a warning. 151 is great, I've drank it plenty in the past, but be careful... when you've had too much 151, you're really had too much.

40% of Off Topic Central Moderators are alcoholics. And that doesn't include those who haven't fessed up yet. :D
You have the first half of the problem solved, when you realize your problem.....

I will just do the other half whenever i feel like it......
i WILL NEVER do Justin :D :D

Alcoholic.......alcoholism......that's what i was talking about ;)
Originally posted by Luis G
I will just do the other half whenever i feel like it......

I said it in a previous post.......

Now who said something about strange things coming out of te mouths of those who don't drink???? :D :D
Nope, I'll never be an alchololic.

They say one of the first signs you have a problem is denial.

I don't deny that I have a problem, therefore, I must have no problem.

Or something like that....
One of the first signs that you have a problem is when you fall out of a hottub, become unconscious and then wake up with a huge hangover. :D