I am going...


Staff member
to see Hootie and the Blowfish tonight, :dance: and for added bonus entertainment on top of the show/gambling/drinks, while I'm there...I'll be serving darling hubby with his custody/alimony/support court papers amid a gazillion witnesses. :devious:

He sucks so I'm looking forward to it all. :lloyd:

Have a great time and if your lucky maybe someone will have a camera to capture the ex's expression.
I love it. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when that happens. You'll have to keep us updated to how it all goes down. Good luck!

Have fun at the show!
:D it should be good, he'll be working so won't be able to do/say shit about it :devious:
The stars are shining brighter, than the night that I remember
My thoughts are like a river
Reflecting in all directions
I'm gonna phone her, but not today
I'm gonna write her, but not today

Today I'm gonna be
Driving down Highway 441 with the windows down
A beer in one hand, the radio blasting
My old needs I won't recognize
'Cause I'm Over You

Hold on to the evening, hold on to the morn
All night long, the sunshine's hiding underneath and
I'm gonna phone her, but not today
I'm gonna write her, but not today

Today I'm gonna be
Driving down Highway 441 with the windows down
A beer in one hand, the radio blasting
My old needs I won't recognize
'Cause I'm Over You
Maybe you can request this song just before you hand the ex his papers :)
They still play music?..wow...

Have fun and take some pictures..sexy pictures...I want some exposed legs or god help you i'll whine.
So up there they'll let you do serving yourself? Down here, you have to have someone else, who isn't a party to the action, do the serving. It can be anyone over 18, but you can't do it yourself.
yep, I just have to go and swear an affidavit saying where, when and that I did.

and I did! :lloyd:

I didn't win squat. The show was great, it's a very small audience - like 2500 people, and they were really talky and comfortable, and fun. Would definitely go see them again. :headbang:

then the servage - happened to get him walkin up a hallway, gave it to him, he weren't impressed, but didn't say/do anything - security was everywhere because of the show going on, so he really couldn't. So it worked out great, and I didn't get coldcocked. :D

So now that I've done it, court will be July 21st. :blank:
He never did, never has, but he's not the man I thought I knew, and with the anger he's dragging around with him now, I wouldn't put anything past him.

And go see them if you ever get the chance, they were a great show! I love the ones who talk to the audience as people, and make little jokes and make it fun all round, and these guys were great.