I am mourning the death


Well-Known Member
...of my 27" Toshiba TV, the one I bought in 2002.

Being in the process of moving, I brought up my bed and the TV today. When I brought in the TV, I set it on the couch, thinking it was far enough back. Then I left the room and heard a crash. The TV had rolled off the couch and landed upside-down on the floor.

When I plugged it in, the power light would come on but the tube wouldn't, and I couldn't turn it off without unplugging it.

So to console myself, I replaced it with this. I'd hoped to wait a little while to upgrade, but since the Toshiba quit working I needed something new, and if you ask me, at this point in time it's stupid to buy a big TV unless it's HD-ready now, given how soon we'll be HD-only, how much the price has come down and how long a TV is expected to last.

Now the crappy part is figuring out how to get rid of the old TV. I heard the local landfill will accept one per month per person... or maybe I'll just set it on the sidewalk and see if anyone takes it. :D
Your TV didn't just die....you murdered it, or at the very least it's endangerment by TV neglect....TV KILLER :D

Why Westinghouse?
alex said:
Why Westinghouse?

Price/features/picture, mostly. If I'd gone with the LG or the Toshiba, I couldn't have bought the Yamaha surround sound set I got (I got it on clearance so I can't find it on BB's site, but it's 110Wx5 plus subwoofer for $250) to go with it.
i love my surround sound. just havent gotten around to hooking the game consoles up to it yet. i imagine the game "Black" would sound fantastic in 5.1.
SouthernN'Proud said:
*HATES surround sound*

I was considerting picking up a 7.1 receiver. Now that I know the redneck hates it, I know it's the right decision :D
7.1 sounds great, but you do need an appropiate decoder and stream.

As of now, don't expect full 7.1 sound, right now it gets as far as 6.1 (i.e. the two rear channels sound the same) mainly because there's no 7.1 streams on movies.
just as well i suppose. i dont know if i have anyplace to put the extra speakers
Surround is flat sound. Digital audio sucks bad enough without losing depth with surround. Gimme good ol' analog, properly tuned, with the room's acoustics taken into consideration every time. I can out-tune any digital system in existence any ol' time.
Yes sir, you are correct. Albums have better depth than digital & surround sound screws the whole thing like a pooch. Musically.

Movies are coded for 5.1, 6.1 & (some) 7.1 (THX) (though I could afford real THX) & do sound better using the proper filters.

CDs/digital music may lose some quality but, get real, KISS & Judas Priest or Iggy Pop or RUN DMC are hardly finesse music with a need to seperate a chair 3 & chair 7 flute. The convenience of portability has outweighed most other needs.
I'm going to go ahead and mourn hardly ever getting to chat with you anymore rather than mourning the death of an appliance? mmmk?
With me? Awww... :blush:

The system is 5.1... but the setup is not bad for $250. I like the Yamaha brand.

The old hi-fi, with the Concept 3.5 receiver and TransAudio 1600 turntable, is going in my bedroom. This way, we can watch movies in surround sound and she can listen to the radio or a CD without me having to train her on all the various quirks and personality traits of the old stereo.
I don't mourn death

I welcome it!

Hell I taunt it!

Come and get me you bastich!

Gonz said:
Yes sir, you are correct. Albums have better depth than digital & surround sound screws the whole thing like a pooch. Musically.

Albums (vinyl) vs digital audio. If you think vinyl sounds better you need to reboot your brain.