I am not alone


Southern Discomfort
A civil rights activist carried a Confederate battle flag across Tennessee to protest a pending school decision in Maryville that would bar the flag from local high school football games, reports the Maryville Daily Times.

H.K. Edgerton, a former NAACP president from North Carolina, said he was out to correct what he described as a social injustice, the "ethnic cleansing of Southern history.

``The city of Maryville epitomizes the cultural genocide that is taking place in the South, and continuation of trying to divide and separate blacks folks from white folks around here,'' he said.

Last month, the Maryville school board began the process of banning flags, noisemakers, sirens, whistles, laser-pointers and hand-held signs at football games. The no-flag policy would eliminate the use of a symbol long associated with the school.


Did you catch that? A former NAACP president, sticking up for the Confederate flag.

I'll pause and allow some of you to retrieve the tongue you swallowed.

I have said it before, and I say it now again. The time is coming when this myth of history we were all spoonfed and forced to regurgitate to get a diploma will be exploded. True history is coming to light, like it or not. 140 years is a long time to subjugate one portion of your population. We've just about had enough. The more yankees that decide to retire down this way only to move in and start bitching and crying about everything we do, the madder we are getting. I firmly believe that if I live long enough, I'll get the chance to see it.

What say ye now, oh purveyors of "Southern = racist" malarky? What is the reply from those who would have us believe that being black in Dixie is perilous? Let me hear some more about how that flag is an abomination to anyone of African descent.

We both know...it just ain't true.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Did you catch that? A former NAACP president, sticking up for the Confederate flag.

I'll pause and allow some of you to retrieve the tongue you swallowed.

Why would I swallow my tongue? I have no problem with the confederate flag...just some of the fools who fly it. BTW...that's not the confederate flag there, boss. That's the confederate battle flag. Most folks now wouldn't know the difference, nor would they care, but that is a distinction. The true confederate flag would go unnoticed by over 90% of the population.
You haven't any laurels to rest your case on.

Where's the jpeg of the proper flag?

How different would the United States of America
be today if no blacks had been imported and slavery had never existed? What If the percentage of the population
that is black instead of being 10-16% was only 3-4%?

Hell what if there'd never been a 'war between the states'?
One thing IS for sure
the WBA boxing heavyweight champion still would not be white!
Winky said:
You haven't any laurels to rest your case on.

Where's the jpeg of the proper flag?

If you don't know what it looks like, then I suggest you, yourself, look it up. I've posted it before, and I do not feel like posting it again. ;)

Winky said:
How different would the United States of America
be today if no blacks had been imported and slavery had never existed? What If the percentage of the population
that is black instead of being 10-16% was only 3-4%?

Too bad we're dealing with what we have, instead of what we wish. Extrapolate your own data, and provide your own answers. ;)

Winky said:
Hell what if there'd never been a 'war between the states'?

See above...

Winky said:
One thing IS for sure
the WBA boxing heavyweight champion still would not be white!

And I'm sure that all of the white champions of the past, and possible champions of the future, would love to hear you say that to their faces. ;)
All the Quote Unquote past Champions are dead from old age and there ain't gonna be no future onez

Exhume Max Schmeling and I'll tell him about it!

White folks been getting their asses kicked
for a hundred years.
Gato, I of course am aware of the difference between the battle flag and the numerous other official Confederate national flags. For the sake of expediacy and familiarity, I often refer to the battle flag simply as the Confederate or Rebel flag. In more personal and/or involved discussions I am careful to make the distinction as yes, it does matter to me.

Interesting that the subject of discussion is the nomenclature of flags rather than the issue at hand though.
Winky said:
Hell what if there'd never been a 'war between the states'?

Assuming you mean what if Lincoln had allowed the country to be torn apart...ever hear of a place called Europe? Small state size nearly indefensible coutries with lots of tourists from nearby speaking funny languages.
Something of an update, courtesy of tonguetied.us

An activist in Asheville, NC helping the citizens of Maryville, Tenn. preserve their right to wave Confederate flags in support of the local Rebels sports teams says "diversity means I have a right to celebrate my heritage."

Speaking to the Knoxville News, Roger W. McCredie, executive director of the Southern Legal Resource Center, says displays of the Confederate battle flag are "a Southern thing. No motive, no agenda."

McCredie is working with a group of Maryville folks who want to be able to wave the Confederate battle flag as a spirit symbol at Maryville High School, home of the Rebels.

McCredie says the Constitution "does not guarantee the right not to be offended.

"Our position is that flags should not be removed if they are removed simply in order to appease somebody or not offend somebody, " he said.


And he's correct. I have a battle flag tag on the front of my truck, several apparel items which display it, and as soon as possible will have one to fly from the garage in fair weather. I have not one racist bone in my body. I support everything that flag TRULY stood for, and racism nor slavery are part of it. The flag that flew on every slave ship and over every slave market is quite a different flag; today's version has 13 stripes and 50 stars.

Gotta love the line about the constitution not guaranteeing the right not to be offended. Wish more people realized it.
Ya know I don't quite get this "celebrate my heritage" stuff.

Makes about as much sense as the blacks talkin' about their 'African' heritage don't it?

Really Dood I don't get it?

What heritage are you talkin' about?

Just what the Hell does this heritage stand for???
I wouldn't equate it with blacks talking about African heritage as said blacks have never been in or any of their socio mental fabric even been in or of Africa. The southern heritage thing is being expressed by people born in and of the area they are relating to. General heritage isn't all that hard to figure out. Ever been to an Italian restaurant? an Irish bar? a Greek festival at the Civic Center?

Smaller segments of cultures also exist as distinct representatives and icons of ways of life. Lets take Canada for example: 90% of Canadians would exclaim a unique culture unto themselves and apart from the US, France, and the UK... but those same 90% would also have a distinct mental identity about their own areas. British Columbia doesn't recognize Newfoundland, Ontario laughs at Quebec, and they all collectively sneer at the plains provinces.

There is heritage always there in ever decreasing amounts as time goes by... but it will always be there. Remember that even in the ideal Star Trek universe there were Russian pilot and Scot enigineers... even Jean Luc kept prattling on about his Frenchiness.
And the battle flag controversy rages on in Maryville. But we're still getting it in the stadium.


I hear rumblings that these same transplanted yankees might want to try this stunt at the high school the 12.62 year old will soon be attending. They will have a fight on their hands I assure you. Maryville is a bit more...accesible from the outside world than South Greene is. In the words of the kid herself..."I don't want to be a Cougar or a Panther or anything, I want to be a Rebel!" I'm so proud I could bust.