I am to blame

Gonz reads it and doesn't moderate it...that's the other story

Do you know that I've never, NEVER, NOT ONCE received a complaint PM for attacks in the RW. Ireceived a few complaints that I'm too loud or too boisterous or too mean but not a single "Bob just called me a doody pants & I don't appreciate it" PM.

I am the most easy going person you'll ever meet. I have serious beliefs & will not hesitate to state them nor will I allow them to be maligned without fierce battle. I also believe we are all adults & can handle a little doody pants reference once in awhile. (When we can't Leslie comes & yells at me. :D) However, I will not edit myself getting called names due to questions of integrity. Yet when I, or others, are called right wing homophobe nazi's there is no outcry. Talk about double standards.

Politics specifically & news in general brings out emotions. Sometimes they can be controlled & sometimes they get out of hand. They, in the case of a forum like the RW, should be yelled about & screamed about & harassed over & debated until we're blue in the face. There's no reason to take animosity to another forum or, especially, into the real Real World.
See still ignoring me
don't make me post pr0n

Leslie said:
holy hell he did it too :elaugh1:

thank you for the giggle sweetie :kiss:
So the violation happened and was reported to the proper gawd-like figure :brow2:. (Pun intended )

. . . . so where is my reprimand?


You are the weak link, thanx for playing.
i generally stay out of the RW (posting). why? cause it sucks. the threads always seem to degenerate into... i cant think of the word i'm looking for but childishness is close.
there have been quite a few regular members that have stopped posting. the common thread among those that i have managed to stay in touch with is that they left because of the way the RW forum is. i see a lot of bitching about the RW almost everytime i stop in here lately too.
i'm not taking sides or pointing fingers, but there appears to be a problem here.
Seriously, I really don't know what to do here. It would be helpful to have some concrete something to work with more than we don't like RW.

what do y'all want?
Leslie said:
Seriously, I really don't know what to do here. It would be helpful to have some concrete something to work with more than we don't like RW.

what do y'all want?

Well, gosh, it's not like there's no warning:

It does get ugly. Don't say you weren't warned. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Why close the forum because a few people got their feelings hurt? :shrug:

Like I said:

Sharky said:
If you don't wanna get wet, don't jump into the pool. ;)
Spot said:
i generally stay out of the RW (posting). why? cause it sucks. the threads always seem to degenerate into... i cant think of the word i'm looking for but childishness is close.
there have been quite a few regular members that have stopped posting. the common thread among those that i have managed to stay in touch with is that they left because of the way the RW forum is. i see a lot of bitching about the RW almost everytime i stop in here lately too.
i'm not taking sides or pointing fingers, but there appears to be a problem here.

My opinion on this, even though nobody asked?

People don't like opinions that differ widely from their own. No matter how it's stated, how many facts you bring into it, or how emotional the topic is, nobody likes a dissenting opinion. The most open-minded person in the world becomes a raving lunatic when their view on any given subject, from the effects of poison on the human body to how many leters in the word alphabet, are given. Perhaps it's for the best if I stop posting here as well, considering I stir as much crap as Gonz and Squiggy ever did.
That would be a very bad idea Gato. You just keep spewing forth your viscious bile & we'll keep reading & responding.
Upon further reflection it's time to admit I am not to blame. I don't/can't control others emotions. I don't/can't control others thought processes. I don't/can't control others feelings.

We're all adults. We all have opinions. Some are brilliant. Some are asinine. Politics & political subjects, news & opinions can be highly emotional. Freedom of speech applies to all. If you can't handle that I don't/can't control it.
Leslie said:
Seriously, I really don't know what to do here. It would be helpful to have some concrete something to work with more than we don't like RW.

There is nothing to do. The problem isn't the type that can be fixed from your control panel. It is a human problem of disagreement and frustration. Only thing you can do is avoid the bickering and be concerned of a real problem

what do y'all want?

For you to have a massage, some wine and relax. Go on, its on me.