Gonz reads it and doesn't moderate it...that's the other story
Do you know that I've never, NEVER, NOT ONCE received a complaint PM for attacks in the RW. Ireceived a few complaints that I'm too loud or too boisterous or too mean but not a single "Bob just called me a doody pants & I don't appreciate it" PM.
I am the most easy going person you'll ever meet. I have serious beliefs & will not hesitate to state them nor will I allow them to be maligned without fierce battle. I also believe we are all adults & can handle a little doody pants reference once in awhile. (When we can't Leslie comes & yells at me.
Politics specifically & news in general brings out emotions. Sometimes they can be controlled & sometimes they get out of hand. They, in the case of a forum like the RW, should be yelled about & screamed about & harassed over & debated until we're blue in the face. There's no reason to take animosity to another forum or, especially, into the real Real World.