I appear to have been adopted

SouthernN'Proud said:
Oh, they had, alright. The boy was prodigious.

Let's see...the average litter of kittens is 4...add mom...5...:eek: How big was this bed?
I bought a bigger bag of cat food to feed him with. He still seems to like me an awful lot. But one of the neighbors said he was going to call this lady who takes care of stray cats like that, so I don't know if he did or not.
Guess I hadn't updated in a while.

His name's Jordan... so named because there was a kitten that would come around the apartment complex a few years ago that was black and had springs for legs... so since it was black with major hops, they named it "Jordan," as in Michael.

Well, this cat looks like an older version of that kitty, and for all anyone knows it might be the same cat. So now his name's Jordan.

I adopted him when I moved to the new place, which does allow pets. Turns out he had a bladder infection, so $150 and seven days of two-a-day medication later, he's all good to go.

He's still very vocal... and he loves to lick my forehead.

Christina always calls him "joo joo bee" for some reason though... one time, she just called him "joo joo" and I said, "I thought you would want him to be Christian." It took her a second to get it, but once she did we shared a good laugh.
Oh, the vet estimates he's between two and five years old, and he weighed 12.1 pounds at that time (2-3 weeks ago).
unclehobart said:
Does the little fluffernutter have a name yet?

Perhaps an homage to BoP... you can call it the All Blacks.

Inkara1 said:
Turns out this kitty is a little whore. I'm one of three people in my apartment complex that has been feeding him.

Perhaps an homage to Tankgirl would be more appropriate then.*peepwall*
I remember when he used to lay at my head and run his claws through my hair...which was cool...right up until he'd bite my head.
It's Hill's c/d Prescription Diet. I got it at the vet... haven't been feeding him wet food just yet. Luckily, his eating habits are such that he nibbles a little bit at a time instead of eating it in large meals. That actually makes him a more convenient kitty, because all I have to do is make sure the bowl's filled up every now and then.
tonksy said:
I remember when he used to lay at my head and run his claws through my hair...which was cool...right up until he'd bite my head.
omg! Your black cat was a Spawn of Satan like mine is?!
Inkara1 said:
It's Hill's c/d Prescription Diet. I got it at the vet... haven't been feeding him wet food just yet. Luckily, his eating habits are such that he nibbles a little bit at a time instead of eating it in large meals. That actually makes him a more convenient kitty, because all I have to do is make sure the bowl's filled up every now and then.

The C/D is to make sure the infection goes away completely. Will you be feeding him that from now on? What were you feeding him before hand? Certain foods can cause the urine tract infection. That's something that I found out.
tonksy said:
He was sweet, though! And you got about a 5 minute scalp massage before he bit you.
mine licks for awhile, then bites. Or sits and purrs while you pet him like it's the best thing in the world, then suddenly turns on you savagely.

The best is when you're just sitting there and suddenly he's on your arm or something :eek:

This is my last black cat.