I can't stand it when people can't spell ...


New Member
and type extra spaces between words, and uses commas incorrectly, and ... :grumpy:

Sorry, I'm in the middle of editing curriculum, and the person who typed this can't spell for shit. How hard is it to use a phreakin' dictionary?!?! In the same sentence, she can have the same word spelled three different ways :grumpy:
Oke, one last post :D

I agree, I hate that too. My boss has the strange habbit of making as much faults in one sentence as possible. Plus he uses only capital letters when writing a note....even on more important notes to his boss.

Plain pathetic. People should pay more attention to it :grumpy:
dikshun, dictiounur, diktschoonerry, buggered if i know ;)

i can spell ok, and my grammer is reasonable, i just can't type.
*backs away slowly knowing how ku'u gets when she's got someone's stoopid paper in her hand and a red pen*
At least you haven't taken me to task yet for my myriad of typos and comma splices ... and don't get me started about the ellipses and run on and on lines that never seem to go ...
I know you know better ... I assumed your typos were due to the slipperiness of your oiled-up fingers ;)
kuulani said:
and type extra spaces between words, and uses commas incorrectly, and ... :grumpy:

Sorry, I'm in the middle of editing curriculum, and the person who typed this can't spell for shit. How hard is it to use a phreakin' dictionary?!?! In the same sentence, she can have the same word spelled three different ways :grumpy:

*sigh* I'm with you sister. I know the feeling.
There is someone on another Board that has horrific spelling and grammar and it really drives me nuts! And they aren't typos, either. No one can make that many mistakes - well... except for maybe Unc when he's juggling too many chats... :rofl:

I guess it would be rude to ask her to use spell check, huh?

My typos are a result of not lookiig at the keyboars when I type. :D ... That, and quite possibly too much caffiene making my fingers twitchy.
i like drunken typing, the sort where you have to close on eye to see the screen properly and type with single fingers old skool style