I don't feel half so nuts now

The thing that struck me about that site the first time I encountered it was that the stories were fake.
But then I realized they were merely the musings of losers
that were putting the worst possible spin on their personal situattions while living in the freest richest country on earth.

Also by happenstance I picked up one of my books today and opened to chapter eight.
In part it read:
Life is neutral
When I was growing up in England, one of the most popular books of the day was entitled The Jungle is Neutral. It was written by a British soldier named Fred Spencer, who was garrisoned in Singapore during World War II.

Singapore is a tiny island country off the Malay Peninsula, just thirty miles north of the equator. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides and a nearly impenetrable jungle to the north, and the British soldiers, expecting a naval attack from the Japanese, defended the south, east and west sides of the garrison. When the Japanese crept through the jungle, they were able to take Singapore with little effort.

Fred Spencer escaped into the jungle, where he lived for nine months before he was finally reunited with his fellow British soldiers.

Before entering the jungle Spencer had heard two conflicting stories about what it would be like there. On the one hand he heard that lush tropical paradise; that there were animals running around he could kill and eat, and trees and bushes that bowed down with berries and fruits to eat. According to this view, he should not have much trouble existing in quite grand style.

On the other hand, he had also heard the jungle was a harsh, impenetrable forest of creeping vines; that all of the fruits and berries were poisoned, the water was bad, and that he would die very quickly.

What he discovered was that neither was true. His experience taught him the
“jungle is neutral”. He found that the jungle was neither out to destroy
him nor support him.

In actual fact he could survive in direct relationship to the effort he put forth to survive.
Roger Dawson ISBN # 0-671-63439-9
Later that day I was at the Library and put in an inter-branch transfer for Spencer’s book
What would Dick Proenneke do?

Smothered by debt - Philip, Age 33, Texas

I'm so deeply in debt that I can't even breathe. I have a student loan debt that is enough to buy a huge fucking house. But instead, because of the debt, we have to live in a shitty little house that leaks when it rains and smells like dog urine. And, for the pleasure of taking out the enormous student loans that I will be repaying for 35 years (that's until I'm almost 70 fucking years old!), I get to work in a job that sucks so hard I want to blow my brains out every day I set foot in the door. All I ever encounter is the ass-end of humanity. I would settle for a job that is simply "thankless," since what I get instead is people constantly threatening either to sue me or kill me. It makes me want to fake my own death and assume a false identity.

I love this one. He's my new Greatest American hero.
Makes me wonder how he spent an assumed quarter mil on an education that: a) Is in a field that he seemingly despises, and b) will not somehow earn gobs of money to pay off said debt.

Musta gotten a doctorate in art appreciation or social work.
Here's one of my favorites:

Backseat barf - Anonymous, West Virginia, Age 16
I was in the backseat of my friend's car and him and his g/f were up front, we were riding around at night on these back-roads drinking some beer. Later, his g/f tells him to stop the car cuz she was sick, so he stopped and she opened the door and starting puking outside. While she was leaning over barfing, she began farting loudly. I was in the back dying laughing and my friend got mad at me and ended up getting out, opening the back door, dragging me out and beating my ass and leaveing me out there. I had to walk 2 hrs to get to a pay phone and call for a ride. While I was waiting at the pay phone, a cop pulled up and I got a public intoxication charge and an underage consumption charge.
