i don't get it

Bullshit. Alright fine....Chickenshit. We had chickens when I was a kid & they weren't gross but they came out one hell of a long way from clean.
after he picked out the shell he disappeared. i'm thinking to go smoke. in which case he always washes his hands before and after he does that. i don't know. i've never been to harsh on restaurants. i've been more concerned with the condition of some people's home kitchens however. at least the waffle house gets cleaned on a constant level and the food is extremely fresh.
BeardofPants said:
I work part-time in a supermarket delicatessen. We use gloves for EVERYTHING. Having done an accredited healthy and safety course, I know the dangers that can exist in food preparation, so I'll freely admit that I can be a bit anal with food prep. Things like bacon, chicken, eggs, etc, all all considered high risk foods. Damned straight, I want the cook to ensure that his hands are clean... I'm the one that's gotta eat it, not him/her. :shrug:

While I agree that a cook should wash his hands frequently (and Sharky, I would have told the stupid bitch to eat the sandwich herself), I can't help but feel we've become a world of namby-pamby weaklings. We dose a case of the sniffles with so much antibiotics that they're starting to become inneffective, we wear rubber gloves to prepare food and even cut hair. I'm afraid what will destroy civilization will be some new strain of flu or something that our immune systems can no longer deal with because they no longer have to deal with anything. It's typical of the way things are handled today. The slightest risk (real or imagined) is suddenly the new, horrifying danger for mankind. Oh my god, we're all gonna die!
If you knew everything that went on in the restaraunt kitchen, you'd never eat out again....period.

I worked at a Shoney's for a while a long time ago. Never... never.... never will I eat chile or spaghetti, or any "one pot meal" at a restaraunt again. Anything and everything goes into that food. Hamburger meat that is on the virge of rotting, dropped (on the floor) hamburger patties. Have you ever noticed the Wendy's chile? The "meat" in the chile is broken up pieces of hamburger pattie. I also will never buy pre-marinated meats at the grocery. They marinate the meat to cover up the fact that the meat should be thrown in the garbage.
alex said:
If you knew everything that went on in the restaraunt kitchen, you'd never eat out again....period.
Sure I would, just don't tell me about it.:lloyd:
i agree with BoP. you have to introduce some germs into your life or your body never learns to fight them.
i blame alot of our inability to fight of germs and such on baby formula. breast milk provides so many antibodies that are extremely important to development and good health...but so many woman in recent generations have opted for the formula path based on work or just a reluctance to do as mother nature intended.
i noticed the difference in my children. i quit nursing marlowe at about 5-6 mo's (i was pumping milk and using formula when i worked) but getting pregnant with malory put an end to it (and the need to take some meds that were ill advised for a nursing mom). anyway...marlowe had ear infections often and colic. malory, whom i nursed exclusively for almost 2 years has had one ear infection in her life and beyond a simple cold and a few bouts with the runs that is all her illnesses.
just something to ponder.
i've also heard some theorize that our excessively-antiseptic society may be spurring on the evolution of more resistant germs that will be able to survive current "antibacterial" treatments

relax, eat a little dirt from time to time ;)
brownjenkins said:
i've also heard some theorize that our excessively-antiseptic society may be spurring on the evolution of more resistant germs that will be able to survive current "antibacterial" treatments

relax, eat a little dirt from time to time ;)
*With apologies to Inky*

My sediments exactly! :lloyd:
tonksy said:
i agree with BoP. you have to introduce some germs into your life or your body never learns to fight them.

I never actually explicitly said that. :alienhuh: Though I do agree, certainly, that we are becoming too namby pampy with our food. Drives me mad at work when a person says they don't want that bit of meat cos it's too fatty. :rolleyes: What, you want that the pig should go on a diet before it dies for you?? :alienhuh: Anyway, I guess what I'm saying, is that a certain degree of care should go into the prepping of high-risk foods, cos y'know, we can DIE from that shit. But at the same time, there is such a thing as going too far...