i don't think we should pay for this

I know you believe that illegals are a great and everything.

just like you think fucking first cousins is great, huh okie?

But what impact do you think they have the cost of healthcare in the US? Structure included.

i'm sure they have a very negative effect.

they only show up in front of doctors when something catastrophic is happening, costing the rest of us way too much money. kinda like gonz. (thanks for that one, buddy.) i wonder if they think they know more than doctors too? nah, they're just poor. and we know what to do with the poor.
No the illegals use the ER for everything, no appointment needed. No copay and all the expensive bells and whistles that someone else will pay for. Truth is that illegals, despite your socialist beliefs, have a huge impact on healthcare cost for everyone who does pay.

I know it might difficult for you to believe this, ..I've never done my cousin or my sister. But of course that won't prevent you from your typical line of attack will it n
ow whip-tongue.

wow. you're not even really disagreeing with my point(s). i don't want to pay for medical care for illegals either.

whether or not i have socialist beliefs has nothing to do with the health care cost of illegals. they are independent variables. you know, if you're going to try to be a clever asshole, at least make a point that connects.
I guess you're just not clever enough to spot your own conflicts of ideology as a whole.

Carry on my befuddled little friend.
ever hear of actuarial tables? ever think there might be a world outside your tiny little puddle?

Whatr does life insurance probability factors have to do
with my medical care?

You keep going to your quack & he'll keep taking your money
for (no) services rendered. Just don't ask for me to pay for it...

ugh oh, too late...YOU VOTED FOR HIM
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i used to think one of you was smarter than the other.

please continue with your complaining.

btw, if the government had not been involved, the internet would not exist in the first place.

it's that industrial-military-university complex noam chomsky warned you about.

yep, at the ridiculous fringes of ideological wankery, it all starts to look the same.

you guys, chomsky, breivik...

how did you become so downtrodden? how is it that cranky middle-aged white guys were so horribly victimized by the government, liberals, la raza, muslims...? my god the list goes on forever.
i used to think one of you was smarter than the other.
Excuse me Bob but, I don't think either of us we're fooled by the marxist in chief. Some of us could see who and what he was despite the tom-foolery others fell for while calling us "racist" and other bumper-sticker names like "bigot".

you guys, chomsky, breivik...
...nice move, from a playbook? -- Did we also hold a gun to your head? -- Are we "home grown extremest" with bombs strapped to the nation too?

how did you become so downtrodden? how is it that cranky middle-aged white guys were so horribly victimized by the government, liberals, la raza, muslims...? my god the list goes on forever.
When, in the name of compromise and compassion, we let intellectual fella's like you shit on the Constitution for a century. A fundamental point that simply alludes you.

Much like the so many hippies that sold out to the dollar.

Good luck with your layoffs, all right?
I hope your firings go really, really well.​
Much like the so many hippies that sold out to the dollar.

Good luck with your layoffs, all right?
I hope your firings go really, really well.​

"You see Bob, Bob, The thing is...I just don't care."

Dang it, now I'm gonna have to pop in that dvd and watch it again.
When, in the name of compromise and compassion, we let intellectual fella's like you shit on the Constitution for a century. A fundamental point that simply alludes you.

Much like the so many hippies that sold out to the dollar.

wow. so you're admitting that intellectuals and hippies have put all this shit upon you. gee maybe you shoulda stood up for yourself. well, i guess it is in your nature just to complain and not do anything. that lets you blame everyone else for your lack of ability to control your own destiny. well, that and it's obviously just a class thing. stay strong, comrades!
No, that's not all what I'm saying Doc.

Just an FYI for ya' minx, you are consistently the biggest whinner here. -- just say'n
there's a diff between making fun of twits like you and whining about how bad one has it, how everyone else is bringing this country down, et cetera.

oh, your lives are soooooo bad. and they would be so much better if it weren't for...

honestly, i think you're a waste of living tissue, but i don't think you have anything to do with my situation in life, which is pretty fucking good.

and i do think there is a very obvious role for you in capitalist society, though it is largely at the shit end of the stick. which must feel bad when yer kaptain kapitalist amerika in your own pea brain.

gee, maybe if i felt the sting of insecurity that often accompanies social and economic vulnerability, i would bitch like you do.

perhaps you should read the hidden injuries of class by sennett and somebody else. might help you understand yourself better.

toodles, prole.
Settle there down sweat pea.

It must be blissful to be completely unaware of the Mack truck barreling down on you and what little you value.
honestly, i think you're a waste of living tissue, but i don't think you have anything to do with my situation in life, which is pretty fucking good.
I can't even begin to tell you just how much this says about your enlightened® and elitist™ principals.. -- If you cannot exploit me, I have no value to you?

Are you aware that your liberal friends detest exactly the type of businessman you represent? Ma&Pa business owners hate you too. Miniscule detailed regulations are made to control people who lack the ability to be honest and ethical businessmen who can make a fair deal on a handshake.

Making money is nice, it great in fact. But if your only purpose in life to serve ones self you are part of the problem. We Tea Party folks believe in community and private sector charity, we believe in America at the local level. It's those pesky Judeo Christian values that are so deeply ingrained in Americana that you're incapable of wrapping your polished pin-head around.

You're not really an "American" anymore than the next immigrating Islamic fascist hell-bent on blowing shit up. -- You lack the basics of patriotism and sense of sacrifice. In your progressive and shallow world its all about you.

Is yours a conflict of ideologies -or- are you just a self-serving and greedy individual who knows exactly what he supports? -- Sad little man.

(You know ...they will come for you eventually)
