"I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"

Nah..you're right. 9+ minutes of banging on the door and screaming loud enough to wake the dead is the perfect way of sneaking into a place without warning the occupants, the neighbours or passers-by :rolleyes:
You know you're my bud, Bish, but you're wrong in this situation.

I live on a ranch/farm 3/4 mile from any public road. My closest neighbor would not have been able to get to me in time either. And then what? To be witness to my death? Fuck no... I'd have put lead in the intruder. One in the chest and one in the head to save the taxpayers the cost of the trial and incarceration. In this situation, it's me or him and it sure as fuck ain't gonna be me going out on my own property.

Luckily everyone knows that country folk keep guns. No one has this kind of trouble where I'm from. It's a natural deterrent to this type of crime.