I feel like s**t!

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I just got back from the doctor's. I've had a grumbling lower abdominal pain since Monday. (It doesn't appear to be appendix.) Anyway, just that short trip has knackered me... I thought once I had some medication I'd be OK to make it to my spanish class... but it doesn't look like it. And now I've got a head ache too! If I don't feel better by tomorrow morning I'll have to take a day off from work... :(

I'm rarely ill... I don't like feeling ill... I must pissed off the powers that be... :hmm:
If they can't find it with regular tests go and take a tomography or magnetic resonance (or whatever the name of those expensive studies are).

Whenever i hear about pain near the abdomen and doctors not able to identify the problem i think about cancer, sorry if this scares you but it is my experience and the longer you take to identify it the harder it is to fight it.
He thinks my lower gut has gone into some sort of spasm. He's given me Mebeverine(Colofac) 135mg tds for a few days. I've also got to take a specimen into the surgery in the morning to rule out a bladder infection, but it doesn't feel like that sort of pain and I'm not feverish.... it just hurts like hell at times and is OK at others. :shrug:

I don't feel too bad if I'm sitting down... It's when I get up, go to the toilet and move around.... I'm just wondering if it's related to my IBS...

If it were a cancer there would have been other signs and symptoms over a period of time, such as changes in bowel habits, appearance, etc. Of which there have been none. Also no masses are palpable on examination. It's a bit early to be thinking of more advanced tests.

Being female, there's also things like endometriosis to consider, but again , no temperature. Or ovarian cyst.

Being an ex-nurse I'm sure I can think up a lot more scarey things than you Luis.... therefore for the moment I'm inclined to believe it's something simple or I might lose my sanity... ;)

I'm to see him again on Monday if it doesn't settle down or if the test turns up something.