I found this amazing!


Well-Known Member
I knew a girl from another state on spiritualism chat 2 weeks ago. She was a little down about things going on in her life, so I tried to cheer her. She said after it was the best conversation she had on net, and that she was feeling so much better then. We talked a little more, she mentioned a book she had read. I said "hey that looks interesting!". So she said: "give me your address!". Myself: "what"?. "Your address, I'm gonna mail it to you". I was like :eek:
I said: "we're just chatting for 2 hours and you're gonna trust me?"
Her answer: "IF I DO NOT TRUST YOU, HOW WILL I KNOW YOU?" "and anyway, books are made to circulate, not to stand collecting dust on some book-case". I felt ashamed :ashamed: . I smiled and gave her my address, not belienving in what I was reading. I thought she was bluffing, but still that was a great lesson. An hour ago I came home and found a packet in mailbox with the book. I'm so excited! I'm gonna send her an e-mail tellin the book arrived in one piece and I'm happy :)
there are a lot of nice people, and a lot of them are on the internet as well...just have to be lucky to find the right people.
you clearly did :)

good to hear you're happy
I have talked to two "internet people" on the phone and they are both really nice people.

I have received a letter from one internet person. Unfortunately that person and I are no longer friends it seems. It has been a very long time since we chatted. :(

I hope that your friendship with this girl continues to grow strong and stay strong.
Wow! That's awesome!! :D I guess there trully are some other interesting and nice people out there after all :)
greenfreak said:
What was the book called? It wasn't the Celestine Prophecy, was it? :D
No but I don't know if you would like it. Actually I don't remeber exactly, because its title is long, and I'm not at home(yes I'm working on saturday). But it tells the story of a spirit through his 17 lives on Earth over 15 centuries, his good doings and mistakes, and the way his soul improved over the continuous existances... :)
Easy man! We're just friends. We live far from each other and we're both dating others. But I already consider her as a great friend of mine! :)
Shadowfax said:
there are a lot of nice people, and a lot of them are on the internet as well...just have to be lucky to find the right people.
you clearly did :)

good to hear you're happy

Yeah Bro, I tend to find that, in this life, God's principles are true, however rare they may be to discover............"whatever a man sows, that will he also reap".........

Ya sowed a precious seed of truth an' friendship, with another soul who was, perhaps, ready to receive it an' returned it in the same spirit......rock on!

As a wise friend once told me, "Friends are rare......treat them with care'!:)
Well I just did it! Travelled 700km to meet her on friday and got back this morning. We spent most time together saturday and yesterday. She's so lovely in person as she is virtually. She also presented(?) me to her friends, all of them great people and we went to party together. I'm fucking tired but it was worth... :)

WOW Noite, that's great!!! :hug: I'm real glad for you!
so is something beginning or is this still a great friendship?
That's cool. I'm friends with a crazy german model (before you ask - yes she has no modesty:D), and we know each others addesses, and the best thing is she's coming over in January to say with me and the BF for a few weeks. :)