i got my alice in wonderland sleeve outlined!

Well, considering that she used the term "hemmorhaged" to describe it, I'm guessing it's a very large number indeed.
yeah... it's a lot... i'd rather not even admit it to myself. i think i'm about 20 hours in, now, though, so... yeah :/
lately i've been trying to save up over a longer period of time and go for longer appointments.

yesterday i was going to have a 5 hour appointment, but we kind of reached a dead-end after 3 hours, so we scheduled the remaining 2 hours for october 13.
in the 3 hours, we got the cheshire cat, bill the lizard, and the red and white queens colored in. so now, everythin is colored in except for the tweedles, which we're avoiding doing for as long as possible, it seems. they aren't even shaded in, yet! they're on the inside of my arm, not really visible unless i hold my arm out. they're in the fleshy part that hangs down when you're chunky... and they HURT SO BAAAAD when i got them outlined. so, the're not a high priority, lol.
next time, though, i think we're going to work on them, and start figuring out the background. i have to figure out how i want it to be. i pretty much know, but i want to like, write or sketch it out.

as for pictures... when i take some, i'll definitely be posting! i'm waiting for some of the redness and swelling to go down, since i realized that the angry-new-ink pictures aren't so pretty.
I think she is asking if you plan to be skinned after death and use your artistic 'leather' to bind a few books... a little something, something for the family after you die... sorta like an urn with more coffee table talk appeal.
I think she is asking if you plan to be skinned after death and use your artistic 'leather' to bind a few books... a little something, something for the family after you die... sorta like an urn with more coffee table talk appeal.

That's morbid :crap:
So is the urn of ashes :shrug:

If it's kept at someone's home yes it is. I'm of the mindset that while I don't want to be cremated, if a loved one does that's fine...but they're not staying in my house, they can go stay in the wall at the cemetary. Skinning a dead person and making something with their skin is extra morbid though...
I need to be stuffed and put on the couch with a book in my hand. It would take visitors hours to note the difference.
oh yeah! i have actually thought of becoming a wall-hanging. ever since i heard of this really crazy nazi lady who turned the skin of concentration camp prisoners into lampshades and sofas and stuff. i mean, like, sad that this happened to those people, but interesting to think of the process by which it is done, should someone consent to it.

oh, and a pic!
this looks awful because it's blurry and i hashed it together in MSpaint at work today. and photobucket shrank it a lot. a better picture will assuredly be coming, because my tattoo artist wants one for the online gallery. but this is it, for now!

They look great but *shivers in pain just of thinking about the procedure*