i got my tattoo!


New Member
i am now inked... and i have my wings.
Kittie took me to get them on saturday, so at the time i'm posting this they're only a day old. they look good, one of them has a little scabbing in it, but of course i wont pick it. they're also dry, but i lotion them and stuff. and they told me to put this special stuff on them the first day so i've done that.
(p.s: my place strongly warns against "advice from friends" so dont give me
advice!!! )
so yeah, it took almost two hours and felt like cats were attacking my back... but i really didnt mind, it was worth everything.
i paid $140US for it. i'm told by tattooed friends that this is a reasponable price.
i got it at what is commonly recognised as the best tattoo/piercing place in the immediate area (Body FX in elkridge maryland).
i'd talked to a lot of people at my work (amazing how many of them are inked), and they all have body fx experience. they even reccomended a specific artist there do mine... a lady named Melissa. she was uber!
kittie and i showed up an hour before they opened but it was worth it because i was the first one to get seen that day. :)
so yeah,
and if you're in my area, i reccomend Melissa at Body FX in Elkridge MD.

here is a picture! ignore my spotty face.

I'd have to agree that Melissa did do a good job with that tattoo. The real test will be how it looks a week or two from now.

Shortly before I left Fresno, apparently Brandi got a tattoo of a butterfly on her tit. It scabbed up and when the scab came off the ink came off too, so I'm told she's got a butterfly-shaped scar now.
The more I think about it those are very unique as far as my exposure to tattoos go .Kudos to you for coming up with something thats unique ,yet won't be too troublesome to explain later in life or keep your employment opportunities limited in the meantime.

Thats an awesome tat!!! Actually it reminds me in a small way of an ex who had fly tattoed on one earlobe and a can of fly spray on the other. She was a weird lady tho....
[cheese justice enforcement agent]Cheese? I never authorized any tattoo artists to depict cheese on any body... :lloyd:[/cheese justice enforcement agent]


Nice tat.
thanks everyone!! :D :swing:

here's an update!

it has a sort of soft-leather texture when i touch it, but at least i haven't got massive flakes of itchy skin coming off it anymore. that kinda freaked me out, because the flakes would come off, but they were colored! so i was like, "OMG it's flaking off, isnt it?" but it's still all there :)
but yeah, it's thankfully stopped being so itchy... that was such a bitch, because i felt like an idiot smacking myself in the back all the time. (smack, but DONT scratch!!!, my tattoo lady told me).
i like it when my friends touch them. like when i wear a tank top and they just randomly start petting my wings. it feels nice, lol.

my greatest fear with getting a tattoo, in general, was that i'd regret it soon after. it's been two weeks, and i have had no regrets. i dont think it will be regrettable in the long run, either. the area it's in is not prone to stretching, and it's definitely easy to conceal.
my mom said, "that limits the wedding dresses you can wear!" but... she's assuming id want to hide this on my wedding day. i see no point or logic in that.

these bat wings are not random. my kinship and liking of bats is not random, it's a weird sort of part of me. i don't believe in hiding things that are part of you. i dont believe in hiding many things in general.

lol, eek, ramble... ^_^

but yeah, essentially they're doing well and almost all healed up and stuff. :)
I watched a Tattoo Special on the Discovery Channel the otherday. I want one. *lol*

Yours looks very cool, Ash. Spiffiness!
ash r said:
my mom said, "that limits the wedding dresses you can wear!" but... she's assuming id want to hide this on my wedding day. i see no point or logic in that.

Who's your mom trying to kid? Your fiancee's going to have bigger wings than you. :D