I had an epiphany. (But I'm feeling much better now)

Inkara1 said:
It was surprisingly tasty too.

I wouldn't think there would be anything SURPRISING about its tastiness...I woulda guessed from the time it was mentioned for the first time that it would be incredibly tastey...my guess is that its artery clogging properties are what keep it outta main stream :D
As I predicted they would be.

Set your sights low, and you're seldom disappointed. As a Braves fan, you oughta know that...
It's been 15 years since I had that attitude about my team. When the chance is there, you hope. I've been happy to see that chance there since 1991.
Chance? Yep.

LEGITMATE chance? Hardly.

One series win in how many appearances? And the win was over the Cleveland Indians? Didn't Uecker make a movie about them?

The Braves, like most NL teams, are constructed to beat other NL teams. As they should be. And they do a decent job of that.

But when the chips are on the line, and arms are tired after a full season, the old walk, steal second, bunt to third, sac fly and play defense strategy don't cut it. Ya gotta score some runs. And AL hitters score runs in droves.

In April, most NL teams could win the series 90% of the time. But it's played in October. The arms are shot, but the bats are still hot.

JMO. Tell ya what I'll do though...gimme the AL team right now, and we'll put fifty on it. Whaddaya say?
I'll put 10 on it. Outside of my yearly trip to Biloxi :)() I don't gamble much cash.

If you look around a bit, you'll see my opinion of some of the AL rules. Your pitchers only have to do half of the job, you have hitters that don't do anything else. Those aren't baseball players, they're mere pale imitations. Play the game or don't - fuck this halfway shit.
Yeah, we've beat the baseball horse to death already. And I'm still right. :lloyd:

Ten's doable. Gets me most of a Gov't Mule CD.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sharky update thread, already in progress and far more interesting than HL and I bitching about baseball...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Yeah, we've beat the baseball horse to death already. And I'm still right. :lloyd:


Ten's doable. Gets me most of a Gov't Mule CD.

Or the new McCartney CD, in my case.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sharky update thread, already in progress and far more interesting than HL and I bitching about baseball...

I'm also unlikely to wait until the WS to buy that CD. That's OK, though, 'cause I can wait for SnP to reimburse me.....
Hey Sharky. We missed ya. You ought to know that we are not just important, We are all that matters :swing: