I had an epiphany. (But I'm feeling much better now)

In fact, I just d/l'd the album from my service for 9.99, so when SnP loses the bet, I get fully reimbursed. :nerd:
Gonz said:
Hey Sharky. We missed ya. You ought to know that we are not just important, We are all that matters :swing:


Ya, now I gotta get a computer for home, so I can get some work done at the office. :nerd:

BeardofPants said:
And some matter more than others.

Neither would I. Should I choose the leg with the bum knee, or the one with the blown ankle?

Screw it, I'll just grab a beer and sit down.
Dunno about him, but I can tell you my ass will look fat in anything. That's likely because my ass IS fat.
PM the addy, and I'll mail you a ten-spot. However, if you do it BEFORE they actually win, you don't get diddly. It ain't over yet.
You're gloating because it looks like the AL team might win - even though it's not even your team? Dude, you gotta get out more. :D
After seeing the story about how the Astros have no black players, then after watching them get swept, maybe Air Force football coach Fisher DeBerry was onto something with that Afro-American athletes thing. After all, it can't be the fact that the Astros couldn't hit their way out of a wet paper bag in the series. :lloyd:
Inkara1 said:
After seeing the story about how the Astros have no black players, then after watching them get swept, maybe Air Force football coach Fisher DeBerry was onto something with that Afro-American athletes thing. After all, it can't be the fact that the Astros couldn't hit their way out of a wet paper bag in the series. :lloyd:

I saw that interview too.

I never cared for Joe Morgan as an announcer. He cheerleads ceaselessly for Ken Griffey Jr. Understandable...to a point.

As I watched the interview, I felt sorry for the other announcer (I forget who it was, but he's an ESPN regular). He just looked...uncomfortable.

I for one never pay any attention to the racial makeup of any sports team, with one exception. I continually harp on my Rangers for not having enough Latin players. Morgan's whole thrust was that if there are no Black players, then the pool of potential managers and executives is reduced.

I don't think I am the only person who perceives that as an agenda.

As for the Astros, they played NL ball, which usually fails to hold up to the concept of actually swinging at strikes instead of standing there waiting for a walk so someone else can bunt. I despise the White Sox mainly because of Hawk Harrelson and Robin F*#king Ventura (Who charges the mound on Nolan Ryan? What a putz!), but I do relish watching the old "pitching pitching pitching" saw get kicked in the ass every October.