I have to stop eating out...


Well-Known Member
Sold off a bunch of crap issues a couple weeks back and i've been wasting money ever since. Buying toys and eating out every single day. That raindeer sausage this morning was killer though.:D

MAD: just incase you happen to read this thread, i was wondering if you've a: been playing amd and b: if you think it's going survive?

Looking for silicon but can't find anything i like at this point in time.
Been watching that one, Hex.....yeah, it'll survive, and some ratings suggest a buy, which might be theoretically a good fade right now, but there's one nasty thing to think of before doing that....

it's getting awfully close to that point where funds have to divest at a certain loss % OR in many cases a set price....

I think you've already seen significant lightening by the pros....but if you intend to play there be advised that if that issue hits the divestiture levels it'll be a mess on the way out.

Intel's got a LOOOOOOONG way to go before putting AMD out of biz....

look for another 10-15% drop. 25-30% more or especially if you see below 5 bucks you'll see divestiture...in which case you just wait til people finish puking ...then you bottom feed....

I doubt AMD will go out of business any time in the near (or even far) future. There is always the hardcore enthusiast crowd that will go AMD no matter what, because they have a legacy of bang for the buck, ever since the original Slot A Athlon was introduced. The people looking for inexpensive powerhouses will go for AMD. Those looking to sell out...er... get the most speed in one processor will obviously go for the P4 3.06 w/ HT at the current moment in time (note the "current moment in time"... who knows, a minute after this post AMD might just announce the real Intel-killer)

So you just have to decide which crowd you're with...
on the same note, i never thought i'd see ati stealing the performance crown from nvidia, i have some buds watching that stock too.
well..ati has been hungry for over a year now..I mean really really hungry. They shot their wad with 9700....

..and nvidia answered back with a cynical offering in NV30 that while an improvement over the prior chipset, certainly didn't pose a threat to ATI...

BUT....hang on a bit longer and wait to see what Nvidia has coming down the pipeline with tech they poached from 3dfk that was YEARS ahead of it's time....

...that's about all I can say on that subject without getting into some trouble...
That's been in the back of my mind forever. I think most of us diehards don't want to believe that 3dfx just withered away and died.
Gah i broke my AX7 clip and i gotta run at 1.83Ghz 1.25v with a crap sink just to be quiet, that slk 900 better get here fast when i order it, i want my 2.5Ghz back :D