I hit the...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
75lb mark... that means I've lost 33% of the weight I have to lose, just 150lbs to go...


to this...

:eek5: :grinyes:
Over what time frame for the 75? That's pretty rockin. Pretty soon you'll be one of those road hogging bicylists that think that they are bullet proof and do stupid shite in traffic, have pumped veiny calves, and waggle your finger in random peoples faces extoling the virtues of a flax and soy milkshake.
I started dieting on the the 4th December 2006... it changed to a lifestyle change on the 15th June... 45lbs up till then and 30lbs after... 10 lbs in the last 5 weeks.

I'm eating more healthily, between 1850 - 2200 cals (55% carbs/20% fat/25% protein) a day and riding my recumbent bike for 25 mins every morning (5 miles), plus doing weight training 3x a week. I've also got a cossie so I'm going swimming next week. I'm burning off a minimum of 300 calories a day in exercise.

Most important my BP has come down, it's now 139/90 and my cholesterol is down. I also don't get so breathless and I'm stronger... I'm starting to look more athletic... I can see and fell my muscles shaping up.

I still have 10 lbs to lose before I can have my op.

I still can't walk cos of the arthritis, but I'm going to be the fittest crip around... and I'm more likely to hogging the road on a hog than a mountain bike... I prefer to do my cycling indoors where I don't get cold, wet and gassed by car fumes... :lol:
So... maybe I'll be famous when I've lost 235lbs... that's a scarey thought!

I will have lost one of my friends in weight! LOL