I Just Got A Brand New... ™

Congrats! :beardbng:

You do realize you must now train him in the ways of the headbanger, right? :headbang:
congratulations, Don Toolbox™!

The Family will be pleased to know the Toolbox™ clan of the continent is growing ;)

He's a cutey, btw :)
congrats toolbox, he's a handsome lad and i'm sure he'll make his mum and dad proud :)
Wow! He is one helluva GORGEOUS BABY!!!!!!!!!! Look at him!! OH MY GOD!! Now I want anoth... *smack*. Phew...

ENJOY them while they are young... Congrats, Toolbox.. I mean that.
Thanks for all the kind words people... he really is a blessing. You know all those cheesy things that people say when they have a new baby... well, they are all true! The feeling is beyond what any parent can explain. I've been sleeping only 4 hours a night and it still feels great.

I'll post more images like an idiotic proud father later on... cheers all. :)
Good for you, Toolbox, sounds like you got the new father thing down pat. Is this your first?
Yup... this is number one for me. He was born on October 8 at 8:59PM and weighed in at 2.92 Kilos and was 49 centimeters long. I'm showing off but I know this is a great start for me. :)
Toolbox there is nothing wrong with being a proud papa. Infact its admirable. If you werent id have to make a trip to manila. Unfortunately i dont float like a butterfly:D