I know im too new to post stuff like this but, *emergency*


New Member
i seriously screwed atm ... i pooped, and now my toilets backed up .. from the poop!

SHIT! anyone have experience.. i've got and know how to use a plunger but the poop is the real problem; i dont know what to do?! (ive never clogged a frikken toilet in my life)

(Great way to start, eh?)
whoreable is the poop expert, although I believe Jerrek is also quite experienced in the area of getting one's poop-chute purged.
lmao Mike, just flush the toilet and use the plunger... To avoid this problem in the future, triple your intake of fruit and vegetables and cut the intake of meat and other crap. :D

Jerrek said:
To avoid this problem in the future, triple your intake of fruit and vegetables...

What if he currently doesn't eat any fruit and vegetables?

I thought you were supposed to be good at math.