I know in the US the drinking law is 21, but ...

Whats interesting about drinking is that when your body reaches its natural limit, it takes your senses 45mins more to alert you to that fact. So when you feel battered, you've been drinking 45minutes worth of damaging alcohol....... Hence the regular comatose moments and regrettable actions committed during a night out.

I'm about to start a 6 month job as assisstant manager of my local village pub and I would never serve to a minor simply because exceptions are impossible when dealing with a law primarily there from lowering the numbers of tweenies at an AA meeting :rolleyes:
you must have had a seriously dysfunctional childhood to think getitng drunk and throwing up all night is fun.
no wonder you turned out the way you did...

my "natural limit" was 2 shots
you posted taht when i wasant looking, the above refers to the other guy whos name i forget.
it did take me about 45mins to start feelign sick, but i didnt throw up for 6 hours


Darn... saw this thread and thought Ku'u was on. :(

It's an old thread, but I missed it the first time. The first time I got throwing up drunk was at my uncle's house. I was about 16 and I drank six beers-- about five more than I had ever had at one time before. I ended up heaving my guts out off the front of my uncle's porch while he held on to my belt loop.

My first margarita was made for me by my aunt at a party we were having at the house. My first drink of whisky was from my dad's glass. He used to get us kids to mix his drinks for him, and we would 'steal' sips.

Did I mention that alcoholism, like bad tempers and red hair, tends to run in my family? It missed me, fortunately. :)
i make alot of margiritas without alcahol
i use mountain dew and grenadine instead
one time my uncle made me one that he tohugh was non alcaholic, but i felt sick and it tasted funny, so im not sure. that reminds me of our New Years party. I didn't get drunk.
well i only had a few drinks. only a few, and i didnt get sick. taht was fun, but i stayed up to 5AM and spent 8 hours in the car on new years day.
lots of fun, no parents there (all adults except for me,, but they tohugh it was funny taht i was drinking. i want to do that again...
Hyphen said:
Whats interesting about drinking is that when your body reaches its natural limit, it takes your senses 45mins more to alert you to that fact. So when you feel battered, you've been drinking 45minutes worth of damaging alcohol....... Hence the regular comatose moments and regrettable actions committed during a night out.

That's why I set myself a limit and stick to it. I can drink two drinks and be somewhat light and giddy. A third drink and I'm about as far gone as I need to be. Four, and I would begin to act stupid. So two is usually my limit. Sometimes I will allow myself three. I don't go beyond that.

That's in the time space of an evening out, about 3-5 hours. I don't generally drink during the day.
i didn't say i threw up, nor enjoyed it, and thanks for the compliment on how i turned out. i'm sure your life is fucking happy go lucky, you deserve to attack people who don't have the same fucking luxury
dude sorry if you took that as an insult
i meant it as a joke. most ppl dont have the smae twisted sense of humor as i do, and i get in trouble for it.
and also i think nogstalgic means "thinkign of the past in a happy way". So i tohugh you meant you had fun drinking
sorry man
ok, sorry about that, i'm hard to understand, and i often have trouble understanding others, especially when they don't include an appropriate smilie
I started off drinking in pubs when I was 15 - it's easier for a girl to make herself look older, and I can remember occassionally having some of my dad's whiskey or rum when I was a kid when he and his friends were playing cards - usually poker. I drank quite a lot for a while in my late teens but then it just petered out - mainly 'cos I nearly came a cropper on my motorbike. These days I just tend to drink on special occassions at home, but rarely outside because I'm usually driving and because my daughter's disabled so I can't afford to lose my licence.

I've given my nieces and eldest nephew drinks when they were younger, usually lager or wine, but never my daughter(but then she hasn't shown any interest as yet).
Aunty Em said:
I've given my nieces and eldest nephew drinks when they were younger, usually lager tops or wine, but never my daughter(but then she hasn't shown any interest as yet).

My daughter doesn't even like the smell of alcohol. I made the mistake of letting my son have a taste of my beer once and I had to fight him for the bottle. :rolleyes: