I know this is a long shot, but...


New Member
....anyone ever replace a keyboard in a Sony Vaio?

Rusty's keyboard was havin issues so we ordered him a new one and since I've done this quite a few times on Dells, I figured, piece of cake! I took out a bunch of screws from the bottom and tried to pop it out but it's not budging. I even bent the corner from the force I was putting on it.

I'm facing a $260. charge from Sony if I have to go to them, I'd rather not. Anyone know the trick to this thing??
See if there is a cover (snap on or otherwise removeable) on the top of the keyboard....above the function row. Toshibas are that way. :)
Make sure you've got ALL the screws out. Sometimes laptop makers hide some screws under things like expansion bay or battery covers.
::error 404 Are you udderly cowfused by this error?

Translation: The web page you have requested has been deleted or mooooved by the author of the web site you are visiting.

That's what I got when I clicked on that link Mirlyn... Any way you could paste into a word doc and email it to me?? If it's what I'm thinking it is, I'll be your best friend forever. :D

fury, yeah I was thinking about that too. There's only one screw hole on the replacement keyboard and when I matched it up to the underside of the laptop, I had already taken all those screws out. It doesn't give at all, it feels like there's something else in there as if it was still screwed in.
Can you post a pic of it? Sony's not one I've ever worked on, but between Mirlyn and myself, we should be able to spot the catch.
Holy crapola I think that's it...

There is a single screw on the left side of the case, retaining the purplish plastic strip that contains the speakers, the programmable buttons and the power switch. Remove this screw.

Slide the panel a little to the right then lift it up, placing it on the screen unit. This exposes a screw near the F6 key on the keyboard. Remove this screw.

Ease the keyboard back and up, resting it on the screen and speaker panel. Take care not to overstretch the wiring linking the speaker panel to the motherboard.

I'm a freakin moron, I didn't even check google for links. :tardbang:


I'll let you know if it works.
Yeah that's the link I was looking at. Also found this:

So I initially made the mistake of trying to disassemble this laptop starting with the screws on the bottom of the laptop. This was a mistake, which I learned the hard way and you can avoid.

All you need to do to access the innards of this baby, is to unscrew the two screws on the left side of the laptop.

Then you slide the purple panel to your right.

Gently lift the panel. It'll be attached to the laptop's motherboard by a cable so don't pull too hard. You can pull lightly to remove it, but I think it's a better idea just to leave it attached and just prop it against the screen so it's out of the way.

To remove the keyboard, unscrew the screw that the red arrow is pointing to. That keeps the keyboard attached to the body of the laptop. After that, side the keyboard up and then you can lift the keyboard out of the way just like the top panel. Again you can remove the keyboard by gently tugging on the flat cable, but I just left it connected.

:laugh: I feel better, I'm not the only one!

Why don't you guys troll HWC more? My thread's been there for two days. ;)

I still can't believe I didn't check google first. I'm such an asshole sometimes.
Say it with me now,

Google is my friend.
Google is my friend.
Google is my friend.

I seriously think a person could make a living repairing pc's using nothing more that two screwdrivers and google.
greenfreak said:
Why don't you guys troll HWC more? My thread's been there for two days.

1) Less time to surf multiple boards.
2) Got tired of the same-ole same-ole questions in the topics I trolled. :D
And funny enough, I thought I'd get a quicker response but after two days my thread is still on the first page. I'm really surprised. Has traffic really died down there all that much?

See, PT, that's why I really feel stupid that I didn't check google. I can't have it as my home page here at work but I have a link to it on the toolbar. And it is my home page at home. I use it all the time.

Wellllll at least Rusty will be happy. I'm not even going to tell him. I'm just going to do it tonight and say, oh by the way, your keyboard's fixed. :) The poor guy has been dragging his external USB keyboard to work for weeks.
PuterTutor said:
I seriously think a person could make a living repairing pc's using nothing more that two screwdrivers and google.

Thats been working for me. :)
Still no dice. It's not as easy as the other instructions online. There was a screw on the left side and it did pop up part of the frame around the keyboard and the palmrest but there has to be some screws hidden in there holding the other side down.

I don't have a screwdriver that fits exactly so I'll have to borrow one from work tomorrow. *sigh* Wish me luck.
does it slide? try pushing down and right...see if they're latched.

It's been years since I've messed with one. :(
There's no seperate piece at the top like in the other ones. It's more like a standard Dell where the whole top snaps off-except only half of it unsnaps.

There's also this retarded "jog wheel" thing on the keyboard that I'm going to have to get around. I'm hoping I can just take every freakin screw out and get in there. But I need to get the rest of my laptop screwdrivers from work first.

These are the only pictures I could find online:

Left side
Right Side