I laughed so hard ...


Well-Known Member
.. last night, I'm watching "American Idol" and this Doritos commercial came on .. the one with Enrique Iglasias (sp?) ... did anyone see that? I laughed my ass off!!! The look on that popolo (African-American) guy's face was pricesless!
the other one I laughed so hard at was the Pier One 40th Anniversary commercial


come on y'all .. didn't anyone see these and think they were funny?

Eeew ... Enrique gives me the creeps, but that commercial was the funniest.

I also like the new Coke ads that have been coming out lately. Very cool.
Football rules! You get into pools, PT? Football, Baseball during the day (it may be boring, but it beats the hell out of Maury Povich) and The Simpsons are the only things I watch religiously.

LL, I would watch hockey if I could, but all of the games (even the bLACKhawks) are on cable, cheap bastards.
I'll get to your pool later today, need to look over the games again. And yes, LL, I do watch an occasional Blues game, but I don't have to catch them all. The Chiefs are my team.
kuulani said:
Eeew ... Enrique gives me the creeps, but that commercial was the funniest.

I also like the new Coke ads that have been coming out lately. Very cool.

hehehe .. I know .. I can't stand Enrique, that's why I wasn't paying attention to it until they showed the popolo guy .. the look on his face was too much! :D I cracked up really hard - my kids weren't sure why I was laughing :D
nalani said:
kuulani said:
Eeew ... Enrique gives me the creeps, but that commercial was the funniest.

I also like the new Coke ads that have been coming out lately. Very cool.

hehehe .. I know .. I can't stand Enrique, that's why I wasn't paying attention to it until they showed the popolo guy .. the look on his face was too much! :D I cracked up really hard - my kids weren't sure why I was laughing :D

Vote #3 for non-fans of Enrique!! :wave:

I haven't seen any of them... I haven't been watching any tv lately except for Sunday night HBO and no commercials there!
greenfreak said:
I haven't seen any of them... I haven't been watching any tv lately except for Sunday night HBO and no commercials there!

Is it just me, or do the writers of Sex and the City seem to be taking special pains to avoid the entire topic of what happened in NY last fall?

Also, WTF is up with that hairstyle? Bleh.
I don't think they approached the subject at all, any show. You could argue that it's supposed to be a comedy and there really isn't any 'pressing issues' discussed on the show but I would have liked them to at least broach the subject. Then again, how many of those women are actual NY'ers? How much flak would they have gotten?

Hell, the only person who has a parent on the show is Miranda. Ever notice that they don't metion family at all?

Do you watch Sopranos too? I wish I had people to talk to that actually watch these shows including Six Feet Under. :(

I just sent an email off to Discovery.com about how happy I was that they kept the images of the WTC on the 'Animal Precinct' show. They had a special show on the rescue dogs/animals involved in the WTC attacks which was great too. They don't shy away from it, they embrace it and I love em for it.
HomeLAN said:
greenfreak said:
Also, WTF is up with that hairstyle? Bleh.

I actually like it. She's had the same hairstyle for like 20 years, it was time for a change. The thing I hate is most of the clothes they wear. Most women in NYC do *not* dress like that, thank God.
greenfreak said:
Do you watch Sopranos too? I wish I had people to talk to that actually watch these shows including Six Feet Under. :(

Six Feet Under is my favo(u)rite show on TV currently! *gets excited*

That show is so damn good. I assume you know (cos we were talking about filmy stuff before) that it's written by Alan Ball - who wrote American Beauty. I admire him so much as a writer.
After I watch that show there are so many little lines that I go away remembering because they're so poignant. Great cast, great acting, great script. Love that programme.
:D :D :D
Scanty said:
greenfreak said:
Do you watch Sopranos too? I wish I had people to talk to that actually watch these shows including Six Feet Under. :(

Six Feet Under is my favo(u)rite show on TV currently! *gets excited*

:D :D :D

:( and you were so close, too... :(
Nope, SATC is the only one I watch. The Sopranos lost me in season 2, and I just can't get into Six Feet Under. I tried, I really did.

I just thought that style added 10 years to her. Does absolutely zero for me as far as sex appeal.
Scanty said:
greenfreak said:
Do you watch Sopranos too? I wish I had people to talk to that actually watch these shows including Six Feet Under. :(

Six Feet Under is my favo(u)rite show on TV currently! *gets excited*

That show is so damn good. I assume you know (cos we were talking about filmy stuff before) that it's written by Alan Ball - who wrote American Beauty. I admire him so much as a writer.
After I watch that show there are so many little lines that I go away remembering because they're so poignant. Great cast, great acting, great script. Love that programme.
:D :D :D

That show appeals to my morbid side too which I've had trouble satisfying after being away from EMS for so long! Rotten.com only goes so far.

So many men I know would watch it if not for the whole thing with David being gay. They don't go as far with David and Keith's sexual relationship/affection as they did with Nate and Brenda but it can still be "too much" for homophobics from the get go. It's too bad too, I think that show is an all-around gem. And wild, I can't believe some of the plot twists at times! I hope Nate and Brenda don't get back together even though I think she's great on the show. Oh! That reminds me! Do you remember Nate ever having sex with that woman who had the baby? They never showed it and I'm wondering if it ever happened. Rusty and I think that's going to be a plot twist, that she drugged him or something and it's not really his lol