I laughed so hard ...

HomeLAN said:
I just thought that style added 10 years to her. Does absolutely zero for me as far as sex appeal.

Well, she's no spring chicken anymore you know. ;)


I like the new one better.

We are way behind America, over here, with Six Feet Under. I didn't know any of that stuff you just said!!!

You...you...you mean Nate and Brenda broke up!!!??? :(
oops lol I'm sorry! I didn't realize that not everyone is as up to date as we are. Why the hell is that anyway?!

Do you want me to just shut up now, or answer your questions?? What was the last thing that you saw with each of the characters? Are you a whole season behind??
Well, Brenda had Billy institutionalised and the last one was when she visited him with Nate and he said he was sorry for nearly hurting her. The mum broke up with that hairdresser and got with Nicolai (sp?). And the redhead (ruth?) went to that party and her boyfriend (I'm usually so good with names!) stole beer from that shop with his mates. David made that speech in church because of the people in church not liking gays.

That's all I remember. :D

edit: like the new av!
Ruth is the mom, Claire is the redheaded daughter. :)

Ok you are one season behind. I'm not going to tell you any more to ruin it even more than I already have. Sorry about that!! :D

edit: thanks!! I do too!!