I love Florida

that damn OKEFENOKEE ought to be filled in,
but you can forget that with all the naturist around.
I need the creek dug out here, but the Soil Conservation said it was now a wetland, and I can't touch it.
catocom said:
that damn OKEFENOKEE ought to be filled in,
but you can forget that with all the naturist around.
I need the creek dug out here, but the Soil Conservation said it was now a wetland, and I can't touch it.

Wetland, schmetland - this whole state is a wetland . . . they seem to have much less respect for wetlands here than they do in Georgia (I'm originally from the Clermont, Georgia area - your neck of the woods, catacom :cool: ).

They are actually proposing to build a new (and totally unnecessary) airport on wetlands in the Panama City Beach area. The deal is, a huge developer (the largest landowner in the county - the St. Joe Corp.) is donating the land for the airport to the county in exchange for freedom to develop wetlands in the area for residential and commercial use. The land would be worthless without the airport nearby. It's a huge local debate, with public opinion running about 60% against. The primary support for the development comes from businessmen who will benefit immensely from it (of course).

Incidentally, I hope nobody misunderstands my enthusiasm for Florida . . . I'm not enthusiastic about children being attacked by alligators - I'm impressed with their moxie, and how they interact with the beasts as if it's just another of life's hazards. As I said, I'm from the North Georgia mountains. Human contact with gators is not unusual in Florida, they are everywhere - heck, there are gators living on the creekbank on my property. My neighbor's grandson (8 years old) has been taught how to deal with them, because he likes to cane-pole fish for bream on the creekbank. I thought of him when I saw that news article.