I love new toys.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I got a new burner. The old one was old, about 2 years, and only burned at a max of 4x, only ripped cd's at around 4x as well. The new one is ripping at 24x :eek: Guess what I'm doing this afternoon?
I'm on my 15th cd since noon. It's one o'clock here, guess I'll have to be running to Best Buy soon to pick up some more cd's.
BB is pissing me off. They had a 100GB WDcaviar 8mb cache HDD for 80.99 after 2 MiR's. Busy week, so I finally get over there on Saturday & they're gone. "We could give you a raincheck " said the dweeb wandering around the aisles, but it's a MiR & "blah, blah, blah". I come home, call the other store & they say there was only one & "it's gone, we can give you a raincheck, blah blah blah"...Getting advance notice on sales is a great thing because whenever the ad is printed, the friggin' stock is gone :mad:

Today there are 120GB WD HDD's, 2 MB cache or only 100ATA...guess I'll wait.

Enjoy PT, at least you got what you wanted :D
I stocked up on cd's a while back. I got about 400 blank cd's for free after MIR.

Watch the Sunday sale papers :headbang:
I probably will wait, I'm out now, but I've got about 20 new cds to listen to. I watch the Best Buy or Circuit City ads til I get them for free or at least riduculously cheap.
The local BB ad says they have 100 pack for $7.99 after instant and MIR or a 50 pack for $2.99 after rebates.
Be careful...the coating on some of those is so thin you can see through them...literally. Not to good for music/data you want to keep awhile...
yes, I have had proble with Imation CDs.
Memorex is quit a bit more expensive, but well worth it IMO.

I can burn those suckers at 48x, and haven't had a bad one yet.;)
and they have a super tough coating.
Hmmm, I just got done with a 100 pack of Imations here, and didn't have a problem with any of them. Except of course the ones I screwed up myself. :tardbang:
yeaah, but like Squig. said.
Over a period of time, and use, is where the problem comes in.
If your just using them for backup, and going to be storing them
just incase you have to restore something, they are fine.
Buuut for music, where your are going to be handling them alot,
You might want to consider getting some lables, and by the time
you pay for those, you could have gotten some higher quality CDs.
Bah, Sharpie marker is the only label I need. I make myself a new set of 10 about every month anyway, I like variety.
My 4x4x24 Iomega CD burner still works like a charm, over three years after initial deployment. I don't burn enough CDs to justify the expense of a faster burner right now when the only thing wrong with mine is that it's slower than a new one.