I love OTC

Squiggy said:
This is my mail inbox for today....:D
Jesus H Christmas ... You're chattier than a 12 y/o girl with her own phone line. Who the hell is responsible for all of that tripe? You have some seriously neeeedy friends out there, H.S. :nerd:
I barely got a chance to look at the boards today...My how time flies when you don't have enough of it...:D
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG squiggs, what the hell you running? you got a secret harem or sumthin?
Squiggy said:
:crying3: But then I wouldn't get any mail....
*never EVER mails Squiggy* :alienhuh:
unc said:
Who the hell is responsible for all of that tripe?
you're calling my writings tripe? TRIPE?! THEM'S FIGHTING WORDS!

wanna wrassle? :D
Leslie said:
*never EVER mails Squiggy* :alienhuh:
you're calling my writings tripe? TRIPE?! THEM'S FIGHTING WORDS!

wanna wrassle? :D

...along with the 11 or so that were my own on that page... most certainly. :D Lord knows, my bittersweet ramblings were not so dear to him as thine.

Wrestle? Erm.. sure. Baby oil rules or fully clothed coy 'hot date night' type of Catholic guilt 'busy hands' wrestling? I haven't had much practice doing one handed bra snap removal lately, so you will have to give me a 3 second head start.
ok Gonz...but who has an itty bitty bikini? :alienhuh: the last thing mine is is itty bitty :p
unc said:
fully clothed coy 'hot date night' type of Catholic guilt 'busy hands' wrestling? I haven't had much practice doing one handed bra snap removal lately, so you will have to give me a 3 second head start.
LOL well now that sounds fun! :D

you can have 30...i'm always generous :lol:
Actually, *groan* I have band practice tomorrow night. Weve gone to three a week now that our first gig is scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving and we have a new rythym guitarist to bring up to speed... and on Tuesday, I am headed south to visit moms side of the family for a week. So.. as of Tuesday morning, I will be persona non gratia until the 17th. Then I will have practice like every other day until after Thanksgiving ... but I can try to "squeeze" you in sometime during the next 10 day window even though the guys are already pissed that I will be gone from Dec 16- Jan 6.

Mi vida (whatever the Spanish word is for 'hectic')

...just keep that motor running and don't peak until I get there.
Leslie said:
3, 4 days then? :lloyd:
Its funny because its true. Those snappy border guards kept me around for 3 hours and wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. I kept remarking to myself how odd that it was that 13 of the 14 people there didn't have a gun, and half of them looked be be 50 kilos dripping wet. The only guy that was armed was the one person that didn't need to be as he was the drug dog handler, 6'3, and with a cartoon-like huge chest and could have killed me with but a single punch.