I love remodeling


New Member
Well, a while back my mom finally coaxed my stepdad into remodeling the house room by room. 3 years later, he only has the living room and kitchen left. The living room is his current task. As I type this he is out there painting it. Now, my doorway goes directly into the living room, and I can get the full blast of the paint fumes.

Life is wonderful when you're inadvertently getting high on paint :lol2:

Are the rugs being switched out as well? How far is this going? ... Just the paint? Whos doing it all? Siblings helping or banished?
Plain white in the living room, with *gag* pink trim. We have lovely Pergo laminate flooring going in, dark colored, and my brother and I don't help unless we absolutely have to.

And now my mother wants a bay window on one of the walls......she told him this as he was painting the wall she wants it on. This can't be a good thing.
white paint? *yawn* i have a lovely shade of 'shade tree' in the kitchen AND the bedroom. fits well through out the house. really, remodelling is fun if you got tunes and beer...or whatever...you should go help out.
Pink trim? Are we talking bright pink, or a subdued coral? Does it match against anything or is it just a crazy standalone with nothig to match against? We talking rugs or wood floors?
unc, pergo flooring is that snap in place wood flooring that is so popular these days. it is quite nice. pink trim? sounds like a sorority.....
I know pergo .. but didnt know if it was through and through. My place is a mix. Champagne color base, or something more chestnutty?