I love you guys so much!

ipmoof said:
Is this Waterloo, CA? Do you know an Indian ElecEng guy called Nick? Can't be that many...
I'm going to assume CA means Canada and not California... No I don't. :)

You're doing a triple engineering degree? You're insane.
Nixy said:
I am thinking about civil

I dunno....I might have to chem, didn't think I did though...

Well, I'm on the bottom end of the continent here and that was ugh *cough*17yrs ago *cough*, so there's no telling whether the requirements are the same. I was at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Possibly the world's flattest city, except for that one hill dead between the campus and the house I was living in... :p
Jerrek said:
ipmoof said:
Is this Waterloo, CA? Do you know an Indian ElecEng guy called Nick? Can't be that many...
I'm going to assume CA means Canada and not California... No I don't. :)

Nope, I meant Cali.

You're doing a triple engineering degree? You're insane.

Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering. It's the whole ElecEng course, about 90% of the Systems course (we don't do the aero/fluid dynamics modules and other aero stuff), a few Comp Science modules (mostly programming, communications and database work), a couple of Business Modules (presentation skills, team management etc) and languages.

It's 5 years and the first two years are mostly maths and circuit theory. Gargh! :sick:

My best subjects at school were chemistry, biology, art, music and english, lol. :D
Oh I mean Waterloo, ON :) Those three engineering disciplines you mentioned are fairly disctinct here. Although the first year courses are almost the same, after that the paths split up. Waterloo doesn't give you the option of doing three degrees at once either :p Only a double degree.
Yeah, that's the same as it would be here for the BEng degrees (3 & 4 year courses). They are pretty distinct. The MEng programmes loop around to cover more subject areas from other field and you end up with a sort of composite degree.

We are doing shit-hot degrees that's for sure, mate. Should be reletively straightforward finding decent, well-paid employment with this kind of thing under our belts when we leave uni.

Twas my course social this week. I went and got trashed with hockey team instead. The engineers are all fuckin goons and I avoid them at all costs. :D
LL isn't getting an Eng degree though. He just took courses in Eng.

I on the other hand AM doing an Eng degree. B.Eng and Management more than likely.

I don't really intend to go into any engineering field :) I just want a profession when I finish my degree. After that, I plan on working a bit and then go get a MBA. I think that a professional engineer status, plus the knowledge of the know-how, good communication skills, and a Master's in Business Administration should go well together. :)
Nixy said:
LL isn't getting an Eng degree though. He just took courses in Eng.

I on the other hand AM doing an Eng degree. B.Eng and Management more than likely.

Not quite... I can't enter Engineering because I don't have the marks (85% required). The reason it is so high is because of this bullshit socialism in Canada. There is a severe lack of universities. Now Waterloo is the #2 school in the world for Computer Science and the #1 school in Canada for IT and engineering, but even that doesn't warrent over 13,000 applications for 400 seats. I just can't compete with all the asians that get 105% on every fucking test... So, because I want an Engineering degree from a good school, I am basically at this point telling Canada to go screw it.... I'm applying for a transfer to MIT or Stanford for the fall of 2003.
Jerrek said:
I just can't compete with all the asians that get 105% on every fucking test...

GO ASIANS!!! :headbang:

Good luck getting that transfer. Some of our guys are over at MIT right now, getting their heads fucked no doubt. At least in retaliation we managed to send them the most boring guy in the world to lecture on Rogowsky coils, hehe. :D
They also have no life... Honestly, 75 - 80% of Waterloo students are of asian origin. It really irks me out. A lot. Yes I'm racist here. I don't associate with them and they don't associate with you (as a caucasian, in GENERAL). Instead they talk in their own language and read their own anime books. Nothing wrong with that, but 80% of the school (engineering, sciences, and math at least), doing it ALL THE TIME? No, that isn't right... For the love of apples, please use English! You're in CANADA. Now not all of them are like that! I'm just ranting a bit ...
Jerrek said:
Not quite... I can't enter Engineering because I don't have the marks (85% required). The reason it is so high is because of this bullshit socialism in Canada.

you think 85 out of 100 is high? :rofl2:
I do. You can't really that kind of average here if you want a social life and do sports. It's too much to handle, even for the coneheads.
Luis G said:
Jerrek said:
Not quite... I can't enter Engineering because I don't have the marks (85% required). The reason it is so high is because of this bullshit socialism in Canada.

you think 85 out of 100 is high? :rofl2:
Yes I do.

I do. You can't really that kind of average here if you want a social life and do sports. It's too much to handle, even for the coneheads.
Exactly. I want to have a social life, and getting over 85% requires a lot of work. Too much. Whats the use if you get Dean's Honor Roll every semester but have no fucking social life, no friends, no one to socialize with? No thanks...
Back on topic, here's a quick explanation of amplitude. The two waves pictured are the same wavelength.
Jerrek said:
I'm applying for a transfer to MIT or Stanford for the fall of 2003.

You'll be livign near me!
Where do you live now?
"North America" is just a bit too general :)
Than why don't you just say it?
Toronto is cool matey!
Argh, but you will be living in Massachussteets (sp???)
I almost lived in MA, but I didn't.
Because I'm aiming for the top. The only two schools in the world that rival Waterloo are Stanford and MIT.

Its spelled Massachusetts. :)