I love you

How long before you should say the magic words?

  • 0 - 1 months

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 2 - 3 months

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • 4 - 5 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 - 6 months

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 7 - 8 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 + months

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Staff member
How long do you think you should be with a person before you say those magic words?

Edit: ARGH! Time is in months btw. If Ms. Les could add that in the title it would be GREATLY appreciated :headbang:
You can't answer that so easily. Sometimes I've said it soon after knowing someone, sometimes it should have taken years.
yeah, i dunno... it's a tough one...

too many variables i reckon...

i'll throw out 3 months as a minimum.

and also i kinda think of it like this...

if you've got a tap filling a glass, the glass is gonna get more and more full until it overflows. the point where it gets to overflowing is like when you decide you're in love. it'll take a while, but depending on the speed of the water it'll take more or less time for it to start overflowing.

and once it has started to overlow, that's only the beginning. there's a whole sink underneath it that still needs to get filled - but you really don't start thinking about the sink until after the glass is full...

so the initial "i love you" isn't where things are gonna stay forever... those feelings are gonna get more and more, but you may not even realise that there's that much depth available until after something's overflowed
To me it doesn't really matter about time, it matters who you're with. I mean, if you find out that you are immediately in love with that person, then you should tell them no matter what the situation. :headbang:
i didnt vote and ill tell ya why nix. i think it should be when you know you feel it. hell i told my ex the day i met her but if i told anyone else(such as the girl online i mentioned) i didnt sya it for weeks even months before i said it. i think its when its in your heart you say it. and mean it.
Hmmm...it seems that the only correct answer is missing. You tell them you love them when you love them, however long that may be if ever, and not before then.
Ehh, I say those words a lot to close friends... I assume you mean with a girlfriend? I don't know, it depends on the girl :)
you say it to a lot of guys dont you Jerrek?? why dont you wait til your in a relationship with the guy before you do that?? ;)
freako104 said:
you say it to a lot of guys dont you Jerrek?? why dont you wait til your in a relationship with the guy before you do that?? ;)
There is nothing wrong with telling your friends that you love them.
Thanks Les

About the tugging of the heart. Oh my, my heart is soon goon be tugged outta my chest with the strength this boy pulls on my heart strings.
Erp, I'm voting 2-3 months, but thats just a general guestamate. There are MANY factors to consider!