I need a book...


New Member
I need this books as a matter of fact.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Setting up a Freshwater Aquarium

It's out of print. I've tried B&N and Amazon. Does anybody have this book? Would you be willing to sell/trade/donate it to me?

I don't have the book, but I could try and help if you have questions about it :)
No thank you very much.

I took me two times to get halfway through "The Fountainhead". Ayn Rand = brain surgery w/out painkillers.

Buy an aquarium. Get all the filters too. Fill it with water from the tap. Let it sit, filled, at least 24 hours before applying fish. After 24 hours, test the water for all the different problems, using the test strips & adjust as necessary. Once it seems ok, wait 24 more hours & test again. If it's ok, add fish. If it needs minor adjustments, make them & add fish. If it needs major recontruction, wait again.

When adding fish, put the plastic bag with fish inside in the tank with a few small slits in it, allowing the two to mix & the fish to slowly adjust. (about 3-6 hours). Open bag & watch fishies swin around & hopefully not fight.That is another chapter altogeter.

Any help?
i have a ten gallon tank that's been set up for several months now. there are some things i'm sure i don't know, but i don't know what they would be until i read the book. the lady at petsmart told me that the idiot's guide was the best book she'd ever read on the subject. so i'd like to read it.

but thanks for the info gonz.

Oh! You forgot something Gonzo! You need to feed the fish once they are in that tank. And don't buy the fish until the tank is already. You don't wanna be leaving the fishies in a plastic bag for 3 or 4 days while the tank gets all set up!

, it's really a trial by error thing. I also looked for that book (or one similar to it) & had no luck. What I did read ended up contradicting what another book said. Start with cheap fish & don't expand until you learn some from first hand experience.

Nixy, good point about not buying them yet. feeding comes after the other stuff.
yes i know that feeding comes after. But you shoudl have included that at the end. Wouldn't want him to think he was all done and then not feed them! :D
Funny, i thought when you had a tank you just filled it up with water and you were done. Hmm. Maybe that's why my fish are all upsidedown.
I've had an aqarium for at least ten years now, I used to use all the test strips, chemicals, balance the ph, all that. Now, I change about 25% of the water once every couple weeks, feed every morning, very sparingly, and just enjoy it. Think of these things natural habitat people, it's not perfect, and the fishies don't expect it to be.

Btw, I've got a Jack Dempsey that's 4 years old, a Pleco that's about 2, and two tiger barbs for about a year now.
Gonz said:
PT-he's still new to the fish thing. Let him have fun for awhile. :D

Good point

If it gets the tad bit cloudy, be sure to add some chemical for that, if the ph is high, reduce it, if it's low, raise it, and at the end of the year, you can use your aqaurium water to kill the weeds that grow up through your sidewalk.
[b said:
*was a Discus breeder for years*

You bred frisbees for track and field?

Well...I guess you could use them for that...


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PuterTutor said:
Good point

If it gets the tad bit cloudy, be sure to add some chemical for that, if the ph is high, reduce it, if it's low, raise it, and at the end of the year, you can use your aqaurium water to kill the weeds that grow up through your sidewalk.

PT, The cloudiness is part of the nitrogen cycle. its a bacteria bloom that is needed to handle the nitrates. Normally it cycles into balance in 2-3 days and the water clears. Unless the tank is polluted by overfeeding. Then you have to remove the source , not cover it up.
PH is less important than the books let you think. A rough range tolerable by all of the tanks inhabitants will suffice. I have flipped Discus, a supposedly sensitive fish when it comes to PH, from 4.0 to 7.0 with no adverse affects on the fish.
And Aquarium water is generally rich in nitrates so they would actually be good for plantlife....

These things I know... :D
Oh man I could tell you stories about my Ryukin goldfish. But I'll spare you. D

But I will tell you that they are really dirty fish. I had a tough time keeping up with the 30 gallon tank. But when I enjoyed them, I really enjoyed them. It sounds strange but they could eat things like peas and broccoli and lettuce, and I would give them stuff like that every once in a while.

I still have the tank, the two filters, the testing equipment, lots of medicine when they got Ick... I think I'll wait a few more years till I get a house and then I want to start raising Koi.

, what kind of fish are you thinking of getting? Be sure to check their environment requirements, if they need heated water, if they're aggressive and fight with other fish (or eat other fish). I was looking into Clown Loaches for a while. I've found some awesome websites on fish, I'm sure you can get tons of info out there.

But you see how much we want to help so indulge us in some info!! )