i need a kick in the @$$


New Member
... to get me motivated to exercise again!!

I was totally on it for the past few years, trying to put in some kind of exercise every day ... or at least trying not to let three days go by without exercising ... then in January I got strep throat and stopped exercising. And now, even though my brain tells me to get off my butt, I don't do it.

*sigh* I have about 15 lbs to go to reach my pre-kids goal weight, but I'm becoming a unmotivated-i'll-never-get-rid-of-my-muffin-top mother of two *sigh*

To kickstart my exercise routine again, I went to a sporting goods store this weekend. Got new sneakers, new workout 3/4 pants and a workout shirt.

I think the key for me is to workout enough to be sore the next day. Because the soreness feels good, like I accomplished something, and it keeps me going back.

But if my knee or ankle is hurting me, I usually use that as an excuse to not do ANYTHING. Not even like arm exercises or crunches. I have to get my ass in gear too!
I keep forgetting to move the scale to the new place so I don't know what I weigh now. I did move the cats tonight, though... that was a bunch of fun. They're exploring their new digs as we speak.
I keep forgetting to move the scale to the new place so I don't know what I weigh now. I did move the cats tonight, though... that was a bunch of fun. They're exploring their new digs as we speak.

I don't understand this moving slow mentality...when I move I want it all from one place to the new place in one day (if I'm moving long distance then all on the moving truck in one day and all arriving at the new place on one day...even though that day may be many days after it was first loaded)...you end up living in chaos for a couple weeks while everything gets put in its proper place but everything is there, in your new place. No wondering if something is in the old place or the new place, no spending multiple days and nights moving shit...not to mention double rents...am I missing something? Is there something incredibly appealing about this gradual moving that I'm missing?
Yeah... the appeal is that with my schedule and Lori's schedule, we don't have the time to dedicate to getting everything packed up all at once so that the moving can be done in one day. I can do a little bit here and a little bit there. Double rents suck but that's the only way the schedules will let us do it.
If you are paying double-rent, then why not just pay someone to move your stuff (it would likely be cheaper)?

Yeah, or take a day or two off work and get it done. I mean, even if you guys aren't home at the same time to pack together could you not each pack when you are home and then one of you take a day off work and move it all? I was working like 50-60 hour weeks when I last moved. I packed everything over a week or two (although most of it was done the night before the move and morning of the move) and then hauled it all in one day, in like 3 pick up truck loads...then it was over and done with. One person losing a day of pay has gotta be cheaper than a month's rent...if it's not then you make a lot more than you let on :p
I can't just take days off from my job. If I take a monday off, I'm screwed for trying to get everything done Tuesday. I can't take Tuesday off because it's a production day. Wednesday is the same deal as Monday, plus there might be a game. Thursday's a production day. Fridays I usually don't go into the office anyway to save hours, and the last few Fridays have been moving days. There's also stuff that has to be sorted and gone through and discarded, etc. I can't expect paid movers to know what to keep and what not to.
See, I woulda just paid to get the lot moved, and sorted it on the other end.

Although the fact that movers are going to deliver all my stuff and put it in the right rooms and set up my furniture for me when I get my place on May 1 is extremely exciting I don't think I'd pay for movers (my company is paying this time). I think if I were Inky I'd have had Lori take a Fri/Sat/Sun off from work and just did it all in one long weekend...it can't take two people more than 3 solid days to move a 2 bedroom apartment.