i need a new career


Well-Known Member
going to seek the services of a career counslor this week. anyone ever been to one?
why would you see a career counslor? how is somebody else going to be able to tell you what you want to do with your life? and they're going to charge you for it...hmm, i think i want to be a career counslor.
i think you should keep that avatar for a while. but whne ever someone suggests you are gay become very angry. it doesn't matter that you are gay just be very mad.
i want, no, make that need, to get out of my current career and have only a very faint idea what i'd like to get into. i thought career counslors would help me find something that might interest me. at least i think thats what they do. dont want to waste time/money if i am wrong. thats why i asked.
Hey, , I agree that they can't tell you what is best for you. But a careers counsellor's main job is to present OPTIONS available to you, that might match what you TELL them you like doing. The choosing is up to you. ;)

this thread is cool. :(

I AM SO NOT GAY :mad2:

I can't believe you guys would say that :(

p.s. this thread sucks.

p.p.s. spot, i've never been to one. so i don't know how it works. as far as what scanty says about presenting options, check the want ads. hmm, do i think i'd be happy laying tile or would i rather scrub bedpans? :D
I don't know how old you are, or if you are married or not, but if you are young and single, enlist :D
Spot said:
[b] said:
i've never been to one. so i don't know how it works.

thats all i wanted to know. the rest of your reply was uncalled for.

I think he was kidding. I see as someone who is joking most of the time and take his posts that way... besides, the smiley on the end saves all: :D The smiley is a miracle maker, see: :) ;)

Anyway, to answer your question, I've never been to one either. I realized a few years ago that I was unhappy with my career too (I didn't really have one to speak of) and needed a change. My old boss always said, "When you choose a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life" which I was inspired by. I thought of the things that I liked most about all the jobs I had and realized that they all had one thing in common: computers. So I went back to school full time and now I'm doing it, working in pc repair and although sometimes I really loathe the people I work with, I still love what I do.

I think that's the key though; finding a pattern of something that you liked or were good at in your jobs and looking into it. I don't think a career counselor is going to be able to help you with that. But that's just my .02 :)
I think he was kidding
yeah...i suppose that is possible. work does get me wound a little too tight sometimes.
if that is the case , i apologize for being snippish.

greenfreak - thank you for your input.
[b said:
]I AM SO NOT GAY :mad2:

I can't believe you guys would say that :(

p.s. this thread sucks.

p.p.s. spot, i've never been to one. so i don't know how it works. as far as what scanty says about presenting options, check the want ads. hmm, do i think i'd be happy laying tile or would i rather scrub bedpans? :D

sorry. i was just trying to be funny. but in all honesty, I don't see the point in going to a career counselor. for the last 5 years i've worked various jobs where i sit strapped to a telephone asking people what their telephone number is with the area code first. i know that doing something like that isn't going to make me happy.

so i'm doing what greenfreak did. on monday i start school to learn how to be a better photographer and how to sell my work to people. i haven't been this happy or excited in a very long time.

as i've stated, i've never been to a career counselor, but my guess is that they sit you down, give you some sort of standardized test to figure out what your aptitudes are, ask you some questions about what kind of life experience you have and tell you what jobs you may be suited for. they may even have connections with different employers in town to help you get started.

but lets say that what you really love doing is gardening, but your thumb is more brown than green. and you know that what you want to do is landscaping. but your experience and your test says your more suited managing a swifty serve...what do you do?

i say save yourself the time and trouble. make your own list. do you want to be outside? in all kinds of weather, or not? be your own boss? don't mind working for the man? lots of coworkers? small office?

or like me, ask yourself, can i put up with this shithole long enough to get myself through school and do what i want to do? if being a gardener is what you want to do, but need school then do what i did. i decided that i could put up with my job and go to school at the same time. and the school that i choose has connections with a lot of businesses in town. i think that they have over a 90% placement rate with their graduates.

i don't know if anybody can hate their job more than i do. so i understand where you are coming from. my company gives me incompatible objectives, i have to listen to people from all over the country yell and scream, cry and curse. i'm having a good day if only one little old lady tells me to go fuck myself because i won't let her pay her bill two months after the due date.

so, do what you gotta do. i thought you were looking for opinions, so i gave you mine. do with it what you will as well. :D

[b said:
]but lets say that what you really love doing is gardening, but your thumb is more brown than green. and you know that what you want to do is landscaping. but your experience and your test says your more suited managing a swifty serve...what do you do?

So you're saying that if your actual aptitude makes you best suited for a job standing on a street corner with a sign that says: Opinions, $5; but what you really want to do is take pictures, then you should take pictures? :p ;)

Me, I'm not conflicted at all. I want that sign. I could do that kind of work. The problem is, I keep giving the shit away instead of charging for it. You people owe me some serious money. Do you realize the value you're getting here? These are high-quality, professional opinions-- or they would be professional, if you guys would just send me some money. I've got a degree and everything. I've read books! I've even got life experience! (And unlike certain younger members of the BB, I've even had SEX!! ) These are good opinions...

*sigh* Everybody wants a free ride these days. Damn socialists... I'm going to bed. What a fucking, fucked up world. Snipers, terrorists, Richard Simmons avatars... what next?

Not all career counselors are gonna be the same. Some might try and tell you what to do with your life, some might just make you aware of career options you hadn't thought or heard of before.
a degree ards? pft, i got 3 and still no bugger wants to pay what i'm worth. bloody capitalists, exploiting my educated ass. ;)

i'm a great believer in doing something you love, that way mot of the time you enjoy your weeks without too much dread. it took me a while to realise how much i truly did enjoy my work though, if i was without it now i would be a great deal sadder.