I need to calm down


New Member
I am so pised off that I could spit.

There is this little.....boy in Mal's Pre-K class who is borderline abusive. Hits, kicks, punches the girls. He was in her daycare class last year and we had the same issue - with him and the girls in the class. His loser of a Father thought it was funny. So this year he is slightly better...but not much. I still hear all the time about him being violent to Mal and I have told her to hit him back because telling the teacher does nothing.
So anyway...today we go and get Mally from school and we notice that the tree that we bought and planted has been broken off at the base. We find out that it was damaged by an older child but this little boy broke it off the rest of the way.
I am so pissed off. Can't anyone see that this is escalating behavior? First he picks on girls and now he is destroying property? Am I wrong in expecting some kind of action?
I am so pissed off. Can't anyone see that this is escalating behavior? First he picks on girls and now he is destroying property? Am I wrong in expecting some kind of action?

They'll eventually kick him out of his Pre-K... he'll have to find another one somewhere and likely won't be the better for it. All it takes is enough complaints.

In general... toddlers bite until they get bitten back, hit until they get hit harder, kick until they stub a toe. The world revolves around them until they know better. He will eventually learn.

*Before anyone gets into the whole physical discipline of kids thing... kids learn more from other kids response to violence than they do from their parents response to violence.
Which is why I told Mal to hit him back....but what about the property?

Give the school the bill and ask them to either reimburse you or replace said tree. Schools (despite their statements about being for the kids) live and breath through their pocketbooks just like every other for-profit place. If they balk...mention a lawsuit and how bad it would be for their image.

/me can be an asshole when it's called for
He seems to be in need of a decent ass-kicking. If he's running around hitting girls now, that's probably gonna be some serious wife-beating somewhere down the line. He needs a slap across the face, a swift kick to the groin, then once he's down, a kick to the kidneys.
Have Marlowe put him on the ground, then have Mal kick him in the kidneys and groin.

If Marlowe does the whole thing, the punk will be hurt, but he'll be afraid of Marlowe, not Mal. If Mal does the real damage, he won't remember that Marlowe took him down, he'll remember that Mal made him cry.
Then not only is his ass kicked, but his ass is kicked by a girl. He would NEVER live that one down with the other boys.
What I would really like is for his parents to step in and do their jobs, you know?


I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh but if the parents had one iota interest, their son would not do any of this.

As we told our son, early, never hit first but once hit there is zero chance of us being mad at him. Ironically, the only ones that ever hit him were girls (aggressive these days). The rule never changed, regardless of sex.
Erm, that just kinda goes against everything I've ever been taught by my dad.

Then again, I was never a supporter of feminism.