I need to calm down

As we told our son, early, never hit first but once hit there is zero chance of us being mad at him. Ironically, the only ones that ever hit him were girls (aggressive these days). The rule never changed, regardless of sex.

You let him hit girls back?!?! :erm:

Erm, that just kinda goes against everything I've ever been taught by my dad.

Then again, I was never a supporter of feminism.

The ethics I was taught growing up, also was, "gentlemen don't hit girls"
I never even thought about it, until I was in the 7th grade.

I was in a class, and there was a girl in there. This girl was from a rough
part of town, and I made the mistake of picking at her one day. She beat the crap out of me.

That was when I learned that some girls weren't so dainty.
I learned to pick my fights more carefully after that.
well now I have defended myself while trying to leave, and I have seen
some 'women' that I might consider hitting, if they came at me.
As a rule though, I try to hold to the way I was taught a gentleman should act.

It's definitely different times, and ways now though.:shrug:
T, have we considered martial arts for the girls? Of course, being your daughters, they won't need it when they are older...:kiss:
My wife is the one that laid down that law.

Gentlemen don't hit ladies. Ladies don't hit gentlemen.
T, have we considered martial arts for the girls? Of course, being your daughters, they won't need it when they are older...:kiss:

Funny you should mention this. They are going to a birthday party at a martial arts studio. If it inspires them we might think about it but I bet that given the choice of what they would like to take in the spring the answer will be gymnastics.
We went to another birthday party last week or so at a gymnastics studio and they were all agog over all the equiptment. They've been talking about it a lot since then...but you are right. I could be surprised.
Yeah, they don't tend to let you on the equipment straight off the bat, sos they might get bored of it. That's what happened to me; more instant gratification to be had from kicking the shit out of someone, y'know? Besides, you should sign them up at least for self-defense classes.
I'm for it if they show an interest...but I'm not gonna shell out fir it unless they are rather eager to do it.
:shrug: Over to you. A six week class could save them trouble later on. I know it certainly got me out of a pickle when some creep tried it on with my 11 year old self.
Oh, I definitely agree that it would be a good thing for them to take...but if it was left to me to decide when I would wait until they are a little older than 4 and just 6.
Point taken...besides, Roz used to teach tong su do to the DS police dept...I'm sure that she can work with them later on