I prefer NOT to clean..


Kissy Goddess
I have been off work since one week before Christmas and I am going out of my mind!! My house is messier NOW than it was when I was working my full time job along with everything else that goes with a 6 person family!

My van - oh LORD !! I think it's true, all you have to do is look in one's vehicle to know what the inside of thier house will look like on an average day.
My car is usually pretty scattered with junk, but the house isn't too bad. I have a lot of clutter that needs homes besides plastic bins in the corner, but my car is TRASHED. It doesn't help that my daughter leaves all her stuff in there and I have a bad habit of leaving drink cups in there. WHoops.
My car is usually way more trashed than my house is. It's the biggest problem I have. I've tried keeping a trash bag in there, but I honestly don't think carrying around a 55 gal trash bag looks any better.
Spirit said:
Well, I don't know who Mr. Monk is - but I DO know that I can't wait to go back to work!

Adrian Monk is a detective with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He can't stand disarray, and is fixated on cleanliness, to the point where his assistant has to carry moist towellettes to give him when he has to shake hands with people. :D

I'm not that far gone, but my house is notoriously clean and if something is out of place by even a half-inch it bothers me. :erm:
Sharky said:
Adrian Monk is a detective with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He can't stand disarray, and is fixated on cleanliness, to the point where his assistant has to carry moist towellettes to give him when he has to shake hands with people. :D

I'm not that far gone, but my house is notoriously clean and if something is out of place by even a half-inch it bothers me. :erm:

Can tell Robert doesnt have any children.... :devious:
Sharky said:
And you can tell why not. :lloyd:

It's hard to keep the house totally clean with little youngings around...I do try my best, but after picking up fifty million times a night, you finally say "Fack It" and wait till the morning when all is asleep, just to start the process over again the next night... :D
PrincessLissa said:
I am waiting for the "nesting" phase of my pregnancy to begin. I really need to reorganize the hall closet and get the window blinds washed.
it's a stronge urge...but you can suppress it if you try ;)
i had it with malory...place was immaculate and we moved two weeks later.